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hú qin
  • huqin;a general term for certain two-stringed bowed instruments;two-stringed Chinese violin;huqin fiddle
胡琴 [hú qín]
  • [huqin fiddle;two-stringed Chinese violin] 弦乐器之一,把系有马尾的竹弓置于两根弦之间,弦固定于蒙覆蛇皮的竹筒上,演奏时马尾摩擦琴弦而发声,如板胡、二胡等

  • 胡琴琵琶与羌笛。--唐. 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》

胡琴[hú qin]
  1. 毕飞宇:一镜、一钟、一影、一胡琴而已

    Bi Feiyu : Just a Mirror , a Clock , a Shadow and a Huqin

  2. 文章拟从审美观念的层面对这一乐器的形成与演进机制进行考察,以窥探一下胡琴历史的深层动因。

    The history of Huqin is studied here to see the historical power for the evolution from the aesthetic aspect .

  3. 这些传承系统反映了不同的时代、地域和文化的特点,以及筒状无指板胡琴在我国历史中的多元化发展。

    These inherited systems reflected the features in different periods , regions and cultures .

  4. 另一篇是:她让胡琴变得高贵,美丽和浪漫。

    The other one is : She makes Erhu become noble , beautiful and romantic .

  5. 胡琴类弓弦乐器便是从唐代音乐的发展潮流中,从漫长的乐器演变中发展而来。

    So the one type of stringed instrument , Huqin developed accompanied by Tang music development and the long history evolution .

  6. 至于弦乐器,有用弓拉的如胡琴,也有弹的如琵琶。

    The strings were either bowed , as in the case of the two-stringed , fiddle or plucked , as with the lute .

  7. 关于中国弓弦乐器的起源,当代国内外学者的观点有所不同,主要有中国本土说与西方传入说两种。中国胡琴类弓弦乐器的起源和发展是多元而又复杂的。

    While there are different perspectives among domestic and abroad scholars on the origins of Chinese bowstring instrument . There are mainly two types : the Chinese nativism and the western introduction .

  8. 明清时期,随着戏曲艺术的大繁荣特别是地方性剧种的产生,奚琴类胡琴派生出许多形制与演奏技法各异的胡琴,形成了一个庞大的胡琴家族。

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties , with the art of opera prosperity especially local drama production , Xi Qin class of huqin derive many forms and performing techniques of various huqin , forming a large huqin family .

  9. 一个靠墙站着的独眼农民,把唢呐举到嘴边吹起一支曲子,然后一个男人跟着拉起了胡琴,一个男孩打起了钹。

    A one-eyed farmer leaned against the side of a house , raised a flute to his lips and piped a note , then a man with a fiddle joined him , and finally a small boy with a pair of cymbals .