- Renal cell;nephrocyte

The prognostic value of mutation p53 protein in renal cell carcinoma
Materials and Methods : CT and pathologic findings were compared and analyzed in 32 patients with pathologically proved RCC .
Effect of cadmium on early apoptosis of NRK cells and gene expression of bax
To extract and purify recombined adenovirus DNA from culture medium , the medium was transferred into a dialysis bag when extensive cell death was observed .
Relationship between cell proliferation and apoptosis with bcl-2 , p53 , proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in renal cell carcinoma
The measurment of DNA ploidy and nuclear morphological parameters by image cytometry ( ICM ) have an important value for predicting the prognosis of renal cell carcinoma .
Isolation and Adaptation of HAV on MEK Cells and Vero Cells
Quantitative analysis on the mdm2 products in renal cell carcinoma
Methods A PCR based microsatellite instability assay was carried out using 15 microsatellite loci located on different chromosomes . Thirty four freshly frozen samples were examined .
According to Fuhrman ( 1982 ) renal cell carcinoma morphologic stage system ; Gl ?
HIF-dependent suicidal gene therapy system suppresses growth of renal cell carcinomas
Induction of apoptosis by pseudorabies virus EA strain in bovine kidney ( mdbk ) cells and the alteration of nuclear matrix protein
Africa green monkey cell ( Vero ) is the adapt cell of some kind of virus .
By culturing and propagating aG strain of rabies virus in primary golden hamster kidney cells ( GHKC ), a new adapted strain was selected .
A PHA injection method in vivo for the rapid obtainment of large numbers of metaphase figures from kideny cells of teleosts
Methods : Immunohistochemistry was used with anti-TGF-1 Multi-Ab to inspect the expression of TGF-1 in 43 cases of renal cell carcinoma and 10 cases of normal renal tissues as contrast .
Purpose To get a comprehensive understand of antitumor immune state and relationship between TIL and prognosis of renal cell carcinoma ( RCC ) .
The percentages of cells with comets and the DNA migrations of the three types cells in tested groups were low significantly ( P < 0 01 , P < 0 001 ) compared with the corresponding positive control groups .
Study on a new rabies vaccine prepared from CTN strain virus propagated in primary hamster kidney cell culture
The human-used rabies vaccine is routinely prepared from virus-infected cells such as hamster kidney cells or Vero cells other than brain tissue culture .
An evaluation on the application of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex ( ABC ) method in the detection of herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) antigens was made in rabbit kidney cells .
Secondly , the fusion proteins expressed in 293T cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy . The result showed that expression of DOG fusion protein was induced in hypoxia .
The 5 year disease specific survival rate was 92.3 % after operation . The CRCC was of low nuclear grade and TNM stage composing of clear cells .
Preliminary study on human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293 after porcine endogenous retrovirus infection
Construction of human interleukin-2 and human interferon - β gene retroviral vectors and its expression in the gene-modified renal cell carcinoma cells and its tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
Methods In41 renal cell carcinoma and11 renal tissues adjacent to cancer , the telomerase TERT , P21 protein , P27 protein were measured by in situ hybridization .
To study the prognostic predictor of renal cell carcinoma ( RCC ), the relationship between CD15 and bcl 2 protein expression in 60 cases of RCC was studied by immunohistochemical method .
Results c-kit showed negative in clear RCCs . However , it was specifically expressed in all cases of the papillary RCC and chromophobe cell type carcinomas .
Conclusion Biallelic inactivation of VHL gene occurs in RCC due to VHL mutation and LOH , and its frequency rate is37 % .
Human embryonic kideny 293T cells were co-transfected with the three plasmids by calcium phosphate DNA precipitation and the expression of GFP was examined under fluorescent microscope 12 hours after transfection .