- 名renal capsule

The result showed that the renal corpuscle had generated at the age of 5th week . First mesenchymal proper order the capillary of the glomerulus and the renal capsule were induced by the stem cells .
And matrix increase , capillary partial collapse and renal capsules partial adhesion were observed in group DM .
2D ultrasound showed the renal volume was enlarged and the cortex was thickened from 2w to 6w post-injection ; the pathological examination exhibited glomerular cyst cavity expanding , glomerular cell swelling , and inflammatory cell infiltration and exudate .
The renal capsules adhered or expanded and a lot of fibrous tissues proliferated around them .
Apoptotic cells were dropping into glomerular capillary lumens or Bowman capsules .
The expression of eNOS was mainly seen in the renal tubule cytoplasma of normal kidney tissues , and in tumor cell cytoplasma of RCC .