
  • 网络nephrostome;Nephrostom;nephrostoma
  1. 结果术后并发低血钾性肌病1例,尿路感染2例,经药物治愈;并发粘连性肠梗阻1例,膀胱结石2例,肾肠吻合口狭窄1例,均再手术治愈。

    After the operation , the hypokalemic myopathy oc curred in 1 case , urinary tract infection in 2 cases , adhesive intestinal obstruction in 1 case , urinary bladder stone in 2 cases , and stenosis of anastomosis between the kidney and intestine in 1 case .

  2. 移植肾输尿管膀胱吻合口梗阻的腔内手术处理

    Endoscopic management of ureterovesical anastomosis obstruction in transplanted kidney

  3. 方法从病因、诊断和处理方面回顾性分析30例肾移植患者术后移植肾输尿管膀胱吻合口瘘的临床资料。

    Methods The clinical data from 30 cases after renal transplantations were analyzed . Objective To study pathogeny , diagnosis and treatment of ureter fistula after renal transplantation .

  4. 结果:移植肾肾周积液27例,移植肾动脉吻合口狭窄14例。

    Results : 27 peritransplant fluid collection and14 stenosis of renal artery anastomosis were found .