
  1. 在另一次电视采访中,肖亚庆称,中国铝业可能动用高达145亿美元的资金。

    Chalco could spend up to $ 14.5bn , Mr Xiao said in a separate television interview .

  2. 肖亚庆表示:我们的铝土矿(供应)保障仍然存在相当大的不确定性。

    There is still a rather big uncertainty over our bauxite [ supply ] security , Mr Xiao said .

  3. 中国铝业董事长肖亚庆昨日在上海发表讲话时警告,该集团可能会大幅增持力拓股份。

    Speaking in Shanghai yesterday , Xiao Yaqing , the chairman of Chinalco , warned that the group might well raise its stake in Rio .

  4. 目前双方尚未商定合资企业的成立时间和经营范围,但肖亚庆表示,该合资企业将聚焦于黑色金属。

    While the two are yet to agree on the timing and scope of the new venture , Mr Xiao said it would focus on ferrous metals .

  5. 中铝董事长肖亚庆昨日表示,收购力拓股份是其拓展国际影响力举措的一部分。

    Xiao Yaqing , President of Chinalco , said yesterday that the purchase of the Rio stake was part of those efforts to expand its international reach .

  6. 仿佛还需要进一步证据,证明中铝担负着更高使命似的,就在力拓交易公布数天后,其董事长肖亚庆就获得了一个政府高位。

    As if more evidence were needed that Chinalco was answering to a higher cause , days after it announced the Rio deal , its chairman , Xiao Yaqing , landed a top government job .

  7. 铁矿石的市场和价格形成机制都是极其透明的,中国企业不可能通过这笔交易得到任何优势,肖亚庆说。

    The market and price-setting mechanism for iron ore is extremely transparent , and there is no way that Chinese companies would gain an advantage in that respect through this deal , Mr Xiao said .