
ròu niú
  • beef cattle;cow
肉牛 [ròu niú]
  • [beef cattle] 供宰杀食用的牛

肉牛[ròu niú]
  1. 五种微卫星DNA标记在肉牛群体中的研究

    Study on Five Microsatellite Markers in Beef Cattle Population

  2. EM处理玉米芯粒育肥肉牛效果研究

    Study on the effects of corncob with EM treatment on beef fattening

  3. 基于Web的肉牛图像识别及图像信息管理系统的研究

    Identification Research of Cattle by Computer Vision and Information Management System Based on Web

  4. 且两组肉牛的这些常规指标之间差异不显著(P0.05)。

    And these conventional index of beef cattle no significant difference between the two groups ( p0.05 ) .

  5. 肉牛屠宰分割生产线HACCP体系的建立

    Study on Establishment of HACCP of Beef Slaughtering Ahd Fabricating Line

  6. 基于GEM模型的黑龙江省肉牛产业集群竞争力评价

    Evaluation on the Competitiveness of Beef Industry Cluster in Heilongjiang Province Based on GEM Model

  7. HACCP体系在国内外肉牛屠宰加工中的运用

    The Application of HACCP System in Beef Cattle Slaughtered and Processing Both at Home and Abroad

  8. IVF-ET生产的海福特肉牛体重和体尺测定初步分析

    Body Size and Body Weight Measurement of Hereford Reproduced with IVF-ET Method

  9. 年龄和FSH在肉牛活体取卵过程中对卵泡和卵母细胞发育的影响

    Effect of Age and Hormonal Stimulation on Development of Beef Follicles and Oocytes During Ultrasound-Guided Transvaginal Follicular Aspiration

  10. 肉牛Calpain1基因的SNPs筛查及其与肉质相关性分析

    Analysis SNPs of Calpain 1 Gene and Association with Meat Quality in Beef Cattle

  11. 奶牛和肉牛STR基因座遗传多态性及亲权鉴定方法研究

    The Study on Polymorphism Distributions of STR Loci and Parentage Tests in Dairy Cattle and Beef Cattle

  12. 应激肉牛几种组织中HSPs表达的研究

    Studies on the Expression of HSPs in Tissues of the Stressed Cattle

  13. 肉牛生长激素基因HaeⅢ座位多态性与主要生产性能的相关研究

    Study on An Hae ⅲ Polymorphism at the Bovine Growth Hormone Gene Associated with Main Performance

  14. 清晨屠宰的肉牛DFD肉发生率低。

    The incidence of DFD beef was lower when the bull slaughtered in the morning . 2 .

  15. 对于育肥期肉牛,饲料中VA含量并不能显著影响其生产性能(P>0.05)。

    To the 24 months age beef cattle , VA in diet can not influence it to produce performance ( P < 0.05 ) notably .

  16. 良种肉牛MOET育种技术研究

    Studies on the MOET Breeding Techniques of Improved Beef Cattle

  17. 尿胆原、比重和pH值都在正常范围内;两组试验杂交肉牛尿液中Ca、P、K、Mg和Na等离子含量均在正常范围内。

    Urobilinogen , proportion and pH value is in the normal range ; Two groups of testing hybrid beef cattle urine in Ca , P , K , Mg and Na plasma content are within the normal range .

  18. 在含尿素日粮中,提高日粮硫水平可提高NPN的利用率和使用的安全性,有利于纤维性物质的消化,促进含硫氨基酸的合成,改善肉牛氨基酸的平衡(P<0.05)。

    Supplement of sulfur to diets with urea improved ( P < . 05 ) the availability and safety of NPN , digestibility of cellulose , synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids .

  19. 我国肉牛育种的资料、数据收集的相对难度可能是制约EPD应用的主要因素。

    In China , the biggest obstacle for beef breeder to apply EPD in beef industry is to collect data from beef breeding practices .

  20. 第一章肉牛屠宰分割HACCP品质管理体系的建立,第二章柠檬酸和二氧化氯喷淋及其对牛肉成熟品质的影响,第三章不同等级牛肉营养成分和功能特性比较研究。

    Chapter I : Establishment of HACCP on Beef Slaughtering and Cutting Line ; Chapter ⅱ: Spraying of Citric Acid and Chlorine Dioxide and its effect on the aging quality on beef cut ;

  21. 本试验选择8头生长发育正常、健康的夏洛来F1代肉牛,分成试验组和对照组,研究复合型生物添加剂-肥牛灵饲喂肉牛的效果。

    Eight F 1 beef cattle of Charolais were selected and divided into treatment and control groups to evaluate the fattening result of " Feiniuling ", a composite biological additive , on beef cattle growth .

  22. 结果表明:随着过瘤胃淀粉的提高,肉牛Kf、蛋白质沉积、净能沉积和脂肪沉积均有提高,Kf值可以超过60%。

    The results were follows : when the rumen bypass starch increased , Kf , protein retention , NEg retention and fat retention raised and Kf may be more than 60 % .

  23. 此外,本文还就RAPD技术在家畜遗传育种中的应用和目前肉牛QTL定位及基因组的研究现状,探讨了RAPD在未来中国黄牛育种和保种中的应用前景。

    In addition , with the present RAPD study in domestic animal genetics and breeding , present QTL mapping and genome research in beef cattle , the prospect of RAPD technique applicating in future breeding and protection of Chinese yellow cattle were developed .

  24. 在相同的饲料条件下,试验组肉牛日增重732±102g,比对照组306.5±216g多增加425.5g,两者差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    With the same feed , daily gain of beef cattle has a striking difference ( P < 0.01 ): in test group 732 ± 102 , in control group a gap of 425.5g .

  25. EPR注射液以0.2mg/kg剂量进行皮下注射对兔耳螨、绵羊螨虫和线虫、肉牛虱子和线虫的驱杀效率均为100%。

    The milk to plasma ratio was 0.16.Eprinomectin has an ultimate efficacy against ear mite in rabbit , mites in sheep , nematodes in sheep and beef cattle , louse in beef cattle following subcutaneous administration at a dose of 0.2mg/kg .

  26. 试验结果表明:SF6示踪法可用来快速测定反刍动物的甲烷排放量;影响肉牛甲烷排放量因素的主次顺序依次为:饲料粗料类型>饲料精粗比>能量摄入水平;

    Research results show that methane emission from beef cattle could be determined quickly by SF_6 tracer method , methane emission effect factors were as follows : roughage type > ratio of concentrate to roughage in diet > energy intake level ;

  27. 本试验选用3头平均体重600±100kg装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的西杂阉牛研究酵母培养物对肉牛瘤胃发酵及纤维消化的影响作用。

    Three simmental crossed steers ( 600 ± 100kg body weight ) fitted with permanent ruminal cannulas were used in two 3 × 3 Latin square designs to study the effect of yeast culture on rumen fermentation and fiber digestibility .

  28. 为充分开发利用贵州省丰富的菜籽粕饲料资源,降低肉牛的生产成本,给肉牛饲料生产提供科学试验依据,我们用菜籽粕取代大部分豆粕对杂交肉牛开展了为期60d的育肥试验。

    In order to exploit the rape cake as fodder resources , decrease the unit costs per gaining for feeding beef cattle , and provide scientific basis for feed industry of Guizhou , 60 days growth trial was conducted to study the gaining effect of rape cake on beef cattle .

  29. 河南省商品肉牛生产三元杂交试验初报

    Effect on Three-way Crossbreeding of Commodity Beef Cattle of Henan Province

  30. 妊娠肉牛营养需要的研究

    Nutrient requirements of beef cows in the last half of pregnancy