
  1. 这样的人也会有更多的机会拢聚财富。

    These people will also have more chance to accumulate wealth as well .

  2. 不论一般性的知识为数有多庞大,种类如何繁多,在累聚财富时,只有一点点用处。

    General knowledge , no matter how great in quantity or variety it may be , is of but little use in the accumulation of money .

  3. 和许多一边说着“公共服务”一边揽聚私人财富的政治候选人一样,它不只是四处蔓延的金钱文化的映照。

    And like the private enrichment of many political candidates who speak of " public service , " it 's not just a mirror of our pervasive money culture .

  4. 媒体报道对他通过出售股票建议敛聚的巨额财富多有猜测。

    Media reports have speculated on the huge fortune he amassed from selling stock advice .