
  • 网络FEDERAL;Federal International;Federal Int'l
  1. 加拿大联邦国际贸易部长的破冰之旅

    Ice-breaking visit by Canadian Trade Minister

  2. 渥太华公民报的报道说,加拿大联邦国际贸易部长马奇是星期四在渥太华出席一个关于外交与国际贸易的会议的时候讲这番话的。

    Ottawa Citizen reports that Canadian Foreign Trade Minister Marchi made the remarks on Thursday in a meeting on foreign policy and trade held in Ottawa .

  3. 联邦机构国际贸易委员会(internationaltradecommission)3位经济学家最近发表的一篇论文估计,实际上,在货物出口支持的就业中,39%在服务业。

    A recent paper by three economists from the International Trade Commission , a federal agency , calculates that 39 per cent of the jobs supported by goods exports are actually in service companies .

  4. 联邦快递国际业务总裁邓博华(MichaelDucker)表示,这项新服务的目标群体既包括在中国运营的跨国公司,也包括中国国内企业。

    Michael Ducker , president of FedEx 's international operations , said the new service was aimed at both multinational companies operating in China and domestic businesses .

  5. ArtyomLukin是远东联邦大学国际研究主任,他将这次峰会称为向世界展示俄罗斯作为一个现代的太平洋强国的聚会。

    Artyom Lukin , a Director of International Research at the Far Eastern Federal University , calls this summit a coming out party for Russia as a modern pacific power .

  6. 1923年,艾米丽雅获得了由著名的联邦航空国际组织颁发的飞机驾照。

    In1923 Amelia earned her flying license issued by the prestigious Federation Aeronautique international .

  7. 报告还称,除了公司和银行外,州、联邦及国际机构和组织的网络系统也难逃黑客攻击。

    In addition to companies and banks , the hackers are also reported to strike state , federal and international agencies and organizations .

  8. 英联邦新的国际经济秩序专家小组

    Commonwealth Experts ' Group on the New International Economic Order

  9. 其次,回顾了联邦政府与国际教育的发展关系。

    And secondly the part reviews the relations on Federal government and international education development .

  10. 我非常感谢俄罗斯联邦参与国家和国际卫生议程并期待着进一步的合作。

    I greatly appreciate the engagement of Russia in the national and international health agenda and look forward to further collaboration .

  11. 其中1946年《富布赖特法》标志着美国联邦政府对美国国际教育的正式介入。

    Fulbright Act is a beginning to show that the government of the United States begins to handle the affairs about the international education .

  12. 世卫组织正协助联邦卫生部向国际协调小组提出更多要求,以确保为其余受影响地区提供疫苗。

    WHO is supporting the Federal and National Ministry of Health in the submission of additional requests to the ICG to secure vaccine for the remaining affected areas .

  13. 联邦宪法、联邦法律及国际条约优于州或当地的法律。

    The federal Constitution , federal laws , and international treaties are supreme to state or local law .