
lián yínɡ hé tónɡ
  • joint venture contract;contract for economic association
  1. 第二部分对大型零售商业联营合同的要素进行了考察,从合同内容角度具体分析了零售商和供应商间的矛盾关系和争议焦点。

    The second part investigates the factors of the joint venture contract in large retail business ; make a concrete analysis of the contradiction of the retailer and supplier from the contract content .

  2. 不仅可以解除联营合同,还能索赔得几十万元的违约金。

    Through that not only we can terminate the contract , also can claim penal sum for about hundreds of thousands of dollars .

  3. 第五十三条企业之间或者企业、事业单位之间联营,按照合同的约定各自独立经营的,它的权利和义务由合同约定,各自承担民事责任。

    Article 53 If the contract for economic association of enterprises or of an enterprise and an institution specifies that each party shall conduct operations independently , it shall stipulate the rights and obligations of each party , and each party shall bear civil liability separately .