
  • 网络connectionism;Thorndike
  1. 联结主义理论与网络自主学习模式的构建

    The Theory of Connectionism and the Construction of Self-regulated Study on Internet

  2. 联结主义支持普遍语法理论在二语学习中的可及性。

    Theory and generalization ; Connectionism can prove the universalness of universal grammar .

  3. 联结主义心理语言学&心理语言学研究的新方法

    Connectionist Psycholinguistic s : A New Approach to Psycholinguistic Research

  4. 认知心理学的联结主义理论研究

    The Connectionist Theory of Cognitive Psychology : An Extensive Study

  5. 信息加工模型(符号表征取向、联结主义取向);

    Information process model ( symbolic representation , connectionism );

  6. 二语习得的逻辑问题:从普遍语法到联结主义

    The Logical Problem of Second Language Acquisition : From Universal Grammar to Connectionism

  7. 基于联结主义理论的第二语言词汇习得研究框架

    A Connectionist Research Framework of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition

  8. 联结主义理论对学习英语词汇搭配的启示

    Implications of Connectionism on Learning Collocation in English

  9. 联结主义:涵义的厘清与模型的分析

    Analysis of the Meaning and Model of Connectionism

  10. 语言习得的联结主义模式

    System ; Connectionist models in language acquisition

  11. 从联结主义角度看母语思维在二语习得中的作用

    Connectionism to Native Language Thinking in SLA

  12. 新联结主义产生的心理学背景

    The Psychological Background of New Connectionism

  13. 语义神经网络是一种将符号主义与联结主义两者相结合在一起来实现自然语言理解的新思想方法。

    Semantic Neural Network is a new methodology for Natural Language Understanding that Combines symbolism and connectionism .

  14. 联结主义理论给英语教学新的启示。

    Connectionism enlightens English teaching .

  15. 论普遍关系模式与认知模式从联结主义看普遍语法对二语习得的意义

    On Universal Relation Modes and Cognition Mode Connectionism and the significance of universal grammar to SL learning

  16. 从理论基础看,文本阅读的认知研究经历了从认知主义到联结主义的演变。

    For theoretical basis , cognitive study of text reading went through the transition from cognitivism to connectivism .

  17. 认知主义的研究定向和联结主义的研究定向是广义的现代认知心理学的两种主要研究范式。

    The study orientation of cognitivism and connectionism are the two main research paradigms of general cognitive psychology .

  18. 较之符号加工理论,联结主义对认知过程本质的揭示更符合人认知的真实情况。

    Compared with the theory of symbol processing , connectionism is more appropriate in explaining the nature of cognition .

  19. 联结主义正在认知科学界兴起,它给句法和语义并行加工提供了方法。

    Connectionism is becoming popular in the field of cognitive science , it provides a parallel method in processing sentences .

  20. 第二部分,介绍了人工智能最具代表性的三大学派,即符号主义学派、行为主义学派和联结主义学派的发展和主要特点。

    The second part introduces the development and main features of symbolism , connectionism and behaviorism , the three most representative schools of artificial intelligence .

  21. 对现代认知心理学关于知识图式的研究作了系统的阐述,分析了产生式系统取向和联结主义取向的优缺点。

    Analysis have been done on the knowledge schema research of modern cognitive psychology , and on the advantage and disadvantage on production system and connectionism .

  22. 用联结主义范式作为解释婴儿发展的机制已成为当前认知发展研究的新趋势。

    That Connectionist Paradigms is used to interpret the mechanism of infant development has been the main approach in the field of cognitive development study nowadays .

  23. 本文在描述联结主义模型的基本内涵的基础上,以婴儿分类和客体永久性的联结主义模型为范例,着重评析了这一范式在解释儿童认知发展方面的理论优势及限度。

    This paper analyzed theoretical advantages and limits of the paradigms in explanation of children development by way of the two instances : infant category and object performance .

  24. 认知心理学是现代西方心理学的一个重要的理论流派。它共有三种研究取向,分别是符号加工取向、联结主义取向和生态学取向。

    Cognitive psychology is an important school of western modern psychology , it has three orientations , such as symbol processing orientation , connectionist orientation and ecological orientation .

  25. 认知动力系统理论是上个世纪90年代前后,继符号主义和联结主义之后,认知科学中一种快速发展起来的理论。

    Following Symbolism and Connectionism , Dynamical Systems Theory ( DST ) has developed rapidly in the science of cognition sciences since the 1990s . Cognitive Radio Technology the power ;

  26. 其次,本研究给出了联结主义的定义以及该领域的其他一些要点,包括:平行分布加工模式和词汇的语义关系。

    Secondly , it defines connectionism , and some key points used in this field , some theoretical foundations for this study , including PDP memory model and semantic network .

  27. 本文探讨近年来对认知科学产生了重大影响的联结主义理论及方法,介绍联结主义的基本概念,在语言学及语言习得中的应用,以及它给语言研究提供的新思路。

    The paper explores the connectionist theory and methods , introducing the basic concepts in connectionism , its application in language acquisition , and the new insights to linguistic research .

  28. 最后,经过研究实践,得出结论,联结主义理论使得词汇学习变得更加生动而具有实用性。

    Finally , it draws a conclusion for the whole study . Based on this study , it can be concluded that connectionism can make vocabulary study more interesting and practical .

  29. 随着上世纪80年代重新崛起的联结主义与心理语言学研究成果的结合,心理语言学研究的新领域联结主义心理语言学应运而生。

    But the rapid development of connectionism in the 1980s and its close contact with psycholinguistic results led to the emergence of Connectionist Psycholinguistics , a new area of psycholinguistic research .

  30. 联结主义认为使用单一机制的神经网络系统足以解释规则和不规则语素变体;双机制则认为需要规则系统和联想记忆两个不同的机制对此进行解释。

    On the other side of the debate are dual-mechanism approaches which posit that regular verb forms are computed in a rule-processing system while irregular verbs are processed in associative memory .