
  • 网络joint training
  1. 搭建了平行语料联合训练条件下基于GMM模型的语音转换平台作为基准系统,并具体分析了传统语音转换方法存在的问题。

    Set up a GMM transformed voice platform with joint training under the parallel corpora , and analyzed the problems existing in the traditional voice conversion method . 3 .

  2. 卫勤联合训练稳步开展。

    Joint training in providing health services is being developed steadily .

  3. 陆军联合训练逐步深化。

    Joint army training is gradually being increased in breadth and depth .

  4. 基于虚拟现实技术的分布式潜艇联合训练系统研究

    The Study on Distributed Virtual Submarine United Training Simulation System

  5. 空军联合训练取得进展。

    Joint air force training is also making progress .

  6. 联合训练器训练配合矿泉浴对飞行员身体耐力的影响

    The effect of combined training apparatus with mineral spring bathon pilot 's physical endurance

  7. 从那时起,两国军队就计划和准备举行联合训练。

    Since then , the two have planned and prepared for the combined training .

  8. 2013年11月,双方将举行反恐联合训练,这凸显了两国政府增进相互理解的共同愿望。

    The holding of a counter-terrorism exercise in November 2013 underlines the shared desire of both Governments to enhance mutual understanding .

  9. 遗传算法和梯度法联合训练的人工神经网络预测有机物熔点

    Prediction of Melting Points of Organic Compounds Using Artificial Neural Network Trained with the Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Gradient Method

  10. 星期一在中国南部广东省的省会广州市,中泰两国举行了首次特种作战部队联合训练。

    China and Thailand on Monday started their first-ever combined training of special troops in Guangzhou , capital of south China 's Guangdong Province .

  11. 2012年11月,与约旦特种部队举行反恐联合训练,与美国陆军举行人道主义救援减灾联合室内推演。

    In November 2012 , joint anti-terrorism training was held with the Jordanian special forces and a joint humanitarian-assistance and disaster-relief tabletop exercise with the US army .

  12. 菲律宾普林塞萨港&周二美菲将在中国南海区域附近展开海上联合训练。该地区的领土争议正处焦灼状态。

    PUERTO PRINCESA , Philippines & The Philippines and the United States will launch naval exercises on Tuesday close to the South China Sea , which is the focus of a simmering regional territorial row .

  13. 系统结合了虚拟现实技术和分布交互仿真技术的优点,弥补了以往单机单艇仿真的不足,可以实现多艘潜艇联合训练,有很大创新。

    The system combines advantages of virtual reality technology and distributing interaction simulation technology , has remedied the deficiency of past single machine single submarine simulating form , can realize many submarines jointly train , achieves great innovation .

  14. 分布式虚拟潜艇联合训练仿真系统是虚拟现实技术和分布交互仿真技术在潜艇训练仿真中应用的一个典型例子,是一个以微机、计算机网络为核心的系统。

    Distributed Virtual Submarine United training simulation system is a typical example of virtual reality technology distributing interaction simulation technology applied into submarine training simulation . It is a system taking computer , computer network as the core .

  15. 官方的说法是,这是为格鲁吉亚军人在阿富汗执行任务作准备,但是很多人把这些大作宣传的联合训练演习看作是一种信息,表达了西方国家正在用望远镜以外的方式观察俄罗斯军方。

    Officially , it was to prepare the Georgians for duty in Afghanistan . But many see these well publicized joint training exercises as a message that the West is watching the Russian military with more than binoculars .

  16. 近年来,随着协同虚拟环境在远程教育、协同设计、军事联合训练与演练、网络游戏等领域应用规模的扩大,提高系统的可伸缩性成为协同虚拟环境领域的研究热点之一。

    With the expansion of the scale of applications in distance education , collaborative design , joint military training and online multi-user game , improving the scalability becomes a hot topic of research in the field of CVE .

  17. 联合国训练研究所执行主任

    Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research

  18. 生物反馈疗法联合放松训练治疗失眠症46例疗效观察

    Observation on 46 Cases of Insomnia Treated with Biofeedback Plus Relaxing Training

  19. 针刺联合功能训练对老年膝骨性关节炎的干预效果

    Acupuncture combined with functional exercise for the elder patients with knee osteoarthritis

  20. 目的观察生物反馈疗法联合放松训练治疗失眠症的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of biofeedback plus relaxing training on insomnia .

  21. 高频电联合运动训练治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效观察

    Effect of High Frequency Electric Therapy Combined with Movement Training on Osteoarthritis of Knee

  22. 游离皮瓣修复舌癌术后缺损联合语音训练的语音功能评价

    Evaluation of Speech Function in Patients after Tongue Reconstruction with Free Flap Combined with Speech Training

  23. 针刺联合康复训练改善慢性阻塞性肺病肺功能的临床研究

    Clinical study on acupuncture combined with rehabilitation training for improvement of pulmonary function in the patient of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  24. 联合国训练研究所设立于一九六五年三月,是联合国内的一个独立机构。

    Established in March 1965 , the United Nations Institute for Training and Research is an autonomous body within the framework of the United Nations .

  25. 文章首先介绍了现代作战试验的起源和发展,进一步论述了现代作战实验技术应用于联合作战训练、武器采办和用于军事问题研究的情况。

    The origin and development of the modern operation experiment are introduced , and a further analysis is made of the application of the modern operation experiment technology to the training of combined operations , the purchase of weapons on a considerable scale and other military affairs .

  26. 针对这个问题,近年来产生了一种新的思路,就是通过综合使用已标注样本和未标注样本,联合进行训练,以弥补标注样本不足所带来的影响,从而可以大大降低人工标注的工作量。

    To solve the problem , a new way of thinking is put forward , in order to make up for a lack of labeled data , it is through the integrated use of labeled data and unlabeled data , joint training , so can reduce the manual workload greatly .

  27. HLA联合作战仿真训练系统研究

    Training system for HLA join operation simulation

  28. 方法将80例Bell面瘫患者随机分为治疗组(42例),采用针刺疗法联合面肌功能训练;

    Methods 80 patients with Bell 's facioplegia were randomly divided into two groups . 42 patients in treatment group were treated by acupuncture combined with facial muscle 's function training ;

  29. 训练结果显示这两种方法对于ADHD(混合型)儿童的基本核心症状(多动、冲动和注意缺陷)和社交技能都具有改善性,且联合型的训练比单一型的训练效果更好。

    The results showed that both the single self control group training and combined group training positively improve basic symptoms and social skills of ADHD children , and the effect of combined group training proves better than that of single group training .

  30. 为了实现仿真模型的互操作性和重用性,采用高层体系结构(HLA)开发联合作战仿真训练系统,直接利用单兵种作战仿真训练系统的成果,提高联合作战仿真训练系统开发效率。

    This paper realizes the interoperation and its reuse between federate-based HLA training system for joint operation simulation . We prove that the program efficiency of the training system for joint operation simulation can be advanced using directly the operation simulation training system of a single arm of service .