
ǒu hé xì shù
  • coupling coefficient
  1. GIS三相快速瞬态电压测量中电场耦合系数函数的分析

    Analysis for Electric Coupling Coefficient Functions in Three Phase VFT Voltage Measurement of GIS

  2. 基于负载变化健控理论的线圈耦合系数k的测定

    Survey of coupling coefficient K of coil on the base of Load-Shift Keying theory

  3. Air(初三适用)气压对脉冲激光冲量耦合系数的影响

    Impulse Coupling to Targets in Air by Pulse Laser

  4. TEACO2激光推进耦合系数的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Coupling Coefficients for TEA CO_2 Laser Propulsion

  5. 三相共箱GIS母线与传感器耦合系数实测

    Measurement for Coupling Coefficients between Bus and Sensor in Three Phase Enclosed GIS

  6. ZnO压电薄膜SAW机电耦合系数的测量

    Measurement of SAW Electromechanical Coupling Coefficients of Piezoelectric ZnO Films

  7. 脉冲法测压电振子厚度模机电耦合系数kt

    Impulse response measurement the electromechanical coupling factor k_t of thickness mode piezoelectric resonator

  8. Ni~(2+)6X~-络合物g因子的双自旋轨道耦合系数模型

    Spin-orbit coupling parameter model of g factor for ni ~ ( 2 + ) - 6x ~ - clusters

  9. 组合激光辐照CdS实验与耦合系数测量

    Experiment for combination of lasers radiate CdS and measurement for coupling coefficient

  10. TEM(np)模与空芯圆柱形介质波导模的耦合系数

    Coupling coefficients between TEM _ ( np ) modes and hollow dielectric waveguide modes

  11. 铁球的动量耦合系数的典型数值为5.0dyne/W。

    A typical value of the momentum coupling efficiency of 5.0 dyne / W for iron beads is obtained .

  12. SAW器件要求具有低延时温度系数、高机电耦合系数和高传播特性的良好基片材料。

    SAW devices require good substrate materials with low temperature coefficient of delay , high electromechanical coupling coefficient and fast propagation characteristics . So far .

  13. 根据电场耦合系数函数的特性,应分别将3个电容传感器安置于A、B、C三相导体在外壳上的近距点处。

    Furthermore , according to characteristic of the electric coupling coefficient functions , three capacitive sensors are fixed at the shortest points of phase A , B , and C.

  14. 研究发现随着平均光子数n-值、原子-光场耦合系数g值的增大,光子由表现明显的反聚束效应和聚束效应交替变换状态逐渐转到表现聚束效应状态。

    With the increasing of the values of and g , the character of photons varies from alternation between anti-bunching effect and bunching to bunching only .

  15. 提出并制作出一种可调谐BIG-RW结构的激光器,该激光器包括两个不同耦合系数的Bragg光栅。

    The tunable BIG RW distributed Bragg reflector lasers with two different coupling coefficient gratings are proposed and fabricated .

  16. 本文从理论上分析装药不耦合系数Kd与爆破作用的关系,并在实验室和现场进行了部分试验,得出了不耦合系数为1.67时的爆破裂纹长度最长的结论。

    To adopt decoupling charge . This paper analyses relationship between decoupling index Kd and blasting action .

  17. AWG中阵列波导耦合系数的计算

    Computation of the Coupling Coefficient for Arrayed Waveguides in an AWG

  18. Tesla变压器耦合系数的静磁场解法

    Magnetostatic-field solution for Tesla transformer 's coupling coefficient

  19. 玻璃陶瓷PWG中的喇曼耦合系数对Raman散射的影响

    Effect of Raman Coupling Coefficient on Raman Scattering in Glass Ceramics PWG

  20. 给出了耦台系数公式和不同v值及指数折射率分布参数g的耦合系数随距离D的变化曲线。

    Coupling coefficient formula is derived and curves of the coupling coefficients as a function of distance D with different F values and exponent g of power law-index are plotted .

  21. 通过Matlab仿真讨论了干涉仪的耦合系数、臂长差、折射率等参数对干涉仪输出特性的影响。

    MATLAB simulation is taken to discuss the effect of the coupling ratio , the length of arms , and the index of refraction to the output characteristics of MZI .

  22. 这些晶体的室温介电,压电和机电耦合系数是优良的,使它们在铁电和SAW器件应用上有很大价值。

    The dielectric , piezoelectric and electromechanical coupling constants of these crystals at room temperature are excellent , which permit them to be of great value to the applications in ferroelectric and SAW devices .

  23. 锆钛酸铅(PZT)材料有着优良的压电性能,其薄膜具有高机电耦合系数、高品质因数的特点,适合于制作低插损、大带宽的射频(RF)滤波器。

    PZT thin films , characterized by high K t and high Q , are suitable for making low insertion , wide bandwidth RF filters .

  24. 激光水推进技术是一种新概念的推进技术,其原理是以水作为推进工质,通过强激光辐照后水的爆炸、反喷进行驱动,具有很高的冲量耦合系数Cm。

    Laser propulsion is new conceptual propulsion , when laser ablated a target covered with water , it will generate much higher coupling coefficient Cm than it is ablated directly .

  25. 根据等效腔模型,讨论了耦合系数对FBGECL阈值特性的影响。

    Utilizing equivalent external cavity approximation model , the influence of coupling coefficient on the threshold gain of FBG-ECL is discussed .

  26. 三相VFT电压测量中电场耦合系数矩阵的确定

    Determination for a matrix of electric coupling coefficients in three phase VFT voltage measurement

  27. 人们曾以基模高斯光束为模型,对LDA各单元间的基侧模耦合系数进行了一定的分析。

    A fundamental Gauss beam model had been adopted to analyze LDA 's coupling coefficient arising from fundamental lateral mode between emitters .

  28. 变耦合系数的简并拉曼耦合J-C模型中场熵的演化

    Evolution of the Field Entropy in Degenerate Raman Coupling Jaynes-Cummings Models with a Time-Dependent Atom-Field Coupling

  29. 并且证明了在Neumann边界条件和周期边界条件下,当耦合系数充分大时,此格点系统的解具有渐近同步性。

    It is proved that asymptotic synchronization occurs when coupling strengths in this system under Neumann and periodic boundary conditions are sufficiently large .

  30. 然后,结合四叉树分解提出了一种新的非均匀MRF的耦合系数估计方法。

    Afterward , a novel estimate method based on quad-tree decomposing is proposed to estimate the isomorphic coefficients in inhomogeneous markov random field .