
hàn lín yuàn
  • Imperial Academy;Hanlin Academy
翰林院 [hàn lín yuàn]
  • [the Imperial Academy] 中国古代以文学供奉宫廷的官署。长官为掌院学士,属官有侍读、侍讲、修撰、编修、检讨,统称翰林

  1. 相对于其他地区,明初吴中文学对明朝翰林院文学创作的影响甚微。

    Comparatively , Wuzhong School made little influence on Hanlin Academy in early Ming Dynasty .

  2. 王安石建立了民兵制度,改造了翰林院,调整了科举考试。

    He established a village militia system , reorganized the Hanlin Academy , and restructured the civil service examinations .

  3. 清嘉庆十四年(1809)进士,朝考改翰林院庶吉士,散馆,授检讨。

    In Qing Dynasty the 14th year of Jiaqing ( 1809 ) doctorate .

  4. 932至953年间,《九经》的第一部由翰林院出版。

    During the period 932 to 953 the first of the Nine Confucian Classics was published by the Imperial Academy .

  5. 翰林院官职是庶吉士散馆后的主要流向,其次是在京各种官职,外放为官者人数比较少。

    Hanlin Bachelors were mainly awarded to the positions in Hanlin Academy and officials in Beijing , a few of them were awarded the local posts .

  6. 正德五年(1510)恢复翰林院原职,先后充经筵讲学官,及右俞德、翰林院侍讲等职。

    Masanori five years ( 1510 ) Restoration of Imperial Academy of the original post has filled Jing Yan lecture officer , and right Yu De , Imperial Academy , Shi Jiang and other staff .

  7. 其一生仕途坎坷,27岁中河南乡试第一,55岁才考中进士,58岁时授翰林院检讨,曾任会试阅卷官,67岁又致仕回乡。

    Career ups and downs of his life , 27 years old in the Henan Provincial Examination in the first , 55-year-old was sitting the Scholars , 58 years old been called to review the Imperial Academy , at 67-year-old has returned home .

  8. 元立翰林国史院,其职责变为以修撰国史为主。

    Yuan Li the academician national history courtyard , its responsibility becomes composes the national history primarily .

  9. 本文从几个方面进行考证,认为元翰林国史院的位置应在高梁河东支的南岸。

    This paper subjects this view to careful scrutiny and gives a supposition that the Imperial Academy in the Yuan Dynasty lie in the south bank of the east branch of the Gaoling river .