
qún fēi
  • swarming
群飞 [qún fēi]
  • [swarming] 昆虫在迁移或交配时所发生的成群飞舞的现象

群飞[qún fēi]
  1. 这就是所谓的“椋鸟群飞”现象,这座艺术之城对这场空中演出赞不绝口。

    A murmuration it 's called , and this city of art marvels at the show .

  2. 看罢,暮色已经笼罩海岸,苍茫里海鸟已群飞归巢。

    Lo , the evening has come down upon the shore and in the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests .

  3. 在厂子里,他可是交了朋友;虽然不大爱说话,但是不出声的雁也喜欢群飞。

    However , in the rickshaw yard he made friends in spite of his taciturnity , for even a silent wild goose likes to fly with the flock .

  4. 我将教其他人,教鸥群怎么飞!

    I 'll teach the others . I 'll show the flock how !

  5. 冬天到了,鸟群要南飞了;小笨鸟是鸟群中第一个飞往南方的。

    When the winter is coming and the bird flock prepare to fly to the south , the clumsy bird is the first one to start flying .

  6. 栖息时要躲在鸟群中间;往前飞时它从不敢跑在前面,后退时也不敢落在后面;吃东西不敢抢先,只好每次都吃产羹剩饭。

    They always hide among the others while resting , dare not fly ahead while proceeding1 , dare not be left behind while retreating and always eat the food left by others .

  7. 就像有群蜜蜂在这里飞。

    It sounded like a swarm of bees here .

  8. 瞧这群蜜蜂,他们一定是为了结群而飞。

    Look at these bees-they must be swarming .