
  • 网络Groupware;Notes;Lotus Notes
  1. 群件Exchange的应用研究

    Advantages and applications of exchange groupware

  2. Notes是用于开发和安装群件的软件平台。

    Notes is the software platform of developing and installing the groupware .

  3. Lotusnotes是应用广泛的群件系统。

    SYSTEM Lotus Notes is a wildly used groupware .

  4. 论物质的磁性Lotusnotes邮件群件系统规划初探

    The Elementary Discussion on the Postal Matter Group Matter System Planning of Lotus Notes

  5. 谈群件系统Notes及其技术

    The Groupware Notes and its Technology

  6. 基于群件技术的企业OA系统设计

    Design of enterprise 's OA system based on technology of groupware

  7. Notes首先是一个邮件系统,能提供基于C/S结构、支持Internet标准的电子邮件服务,这也是用户最为熟悉、使用最多的群件功能;

    Notes is firstly a mail system , so it has the function of e-mail based on C / S structure and Internet .

  8. 基于LotusDomino群件的工作流管理信息系统开发

    Developing Workflow MIS Based on Lotus Domino Groupware

  9. Notes开发人员现在可以凭借自己的合并和群件技能进行构建,同时还要准备应付未来的挑战。

    Notes developers can build on their collaboration and groupware skills today while preparing for the challenges of tomorrow .

  10. 本文探讨了基于Web的知识管理系统的构建原则并提出了参考体系结构,给出了一种基于群件的知识管理系统构建方案。

    Discuss the principle and reference architecture to construct web-based Knowledge Management System . A solution to construct Knowledge Management System by using groupware technology is given .

  11. 基于人的工作流软件的根在工作组工具(workgrouptool)和群件(groupware)中。

    The roots of people-based workflow software is in workgroup tools and groupware .

  12. 文中设计了一个建立在群件技术Lotusnotes上的审计自动化系统,并介绍了该系统的主要功能。

    This paper introduces the analysis and design of automatic auditing system based on Group technique & Lotus Notes .

  13. 本文介绍了一种远程考试系统的设计思想,并在群件系统Lotusnotes环境中加以实现。

    This paper gives a design method of Distance Examination System has implemented in the environment of Lotus Notes .

  14. PDM系统与群件系统的集成

    Integration of PDM Systems with Groupware

  15. 群件(Groupware):这种工作负载是针对处理大量信息的Notes用户的容量测试。

    Groupware : This workload is a capacity test for Notes users that process large amounts of information .

  16. Domino是一个应用程序和消息传递(messaging)服务器,支持群件(groupware)应用程序的开发和部署。

    Domino is an applications and messaging server which supports the development and deployment of groupware applications .

  17. 在这里需要用到先前为SAPERP后端网络中的群件绑定项指定的值。

    Here you need the value that you specified previously for the groupware bound item type in the SAP ERP back-end network .

  18. 利用群件和工作流自动化技术,构建基于MicrosoftExchangeServer平台的海量信息管理系统,以满足大型制造企业对数控刀具管理综合性能方面的严格要求。

    To set up the massive information management system based on Microsoft exchange server by groupware and workflows , to achieve these goals of manufacturing industry on cutting tools ' compositive performance .

  19. 从LotusDomino的角度看,应用程序ID和群件绑定项类型是SAP端最重要的设置。

    From a Lotus Domino perspective , the application ID and the groupware bound item type are the most important settings on the SAP side .

  20. 一种基于群件Notes的ODSS-CE设计与实现

    Design and Development of ODSS-CE Based Groupware Notes

  21. 本文根据办公环境的工作特点提出了采用Lotusnotes/Domino群件平台是实现以数据库、网络为中心的办公自动化系统行之有效的手段

    According to the working characteristics in offices , it is an effective way to achieve office automation with the flat roof in Lotus Notes / Domino

  22. LotusDomino/Notes能够高效率处理非结构化数据,它的群件、工作流技术,特别适合于开发办公自动化系统。

    Lotus Domino / Notes can handle non-structured data with high efficiency , whose groupware and workflow technologies particularly meet the needs in developing office automation system .

  23. 分析研究了工作流系统,提出了图形化工作流配置软件的设计思想,并实现了一种基于Lotusnotes/Domino群件体系结构的图形化流程配置软件。

    This paper analyzed the workflow system , brought forward the idea of the graphics workflow configuration , and implemented based on Lotus Notes / Domino platform .

  24. 其中的工作流系统、GIS系统、会议系统等群件系统越来越成为政府部门实施电子政务、公开公正、机动灵活、信息电子化等服务与管理方法。

    In which workflow system , GIS , meeting system and so on more and more become administrant scheme of government affairs , open and fair , flexible and liberty , information computerization .

  25. 群件这个词(最终基本上变成了LotusNotes的同义词)指的是促进一群人之间进行通信、协作和协调的应用程序。

    The term groupware ( which eventually grew virtually synonymous with Lotus Notes ) refers to applications that enhance communication , collaboration , and coordination among groups of people .

  26. 总体上的框架是B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构,基于DominoNotes群件技术,综合ASP.NET、XML进行开发。

    The overall frame is B / S ( browser / server ) structure , based on the Domino Notes of groupware , comprehensive asp . net , XML development .

  27. 介绍了两种典型的群件系统Notes和Exchange,着重讨论了群件Exchange的一个应用实例,为中小企业的群件应用提供了一种基于Exchange的解决方案。

    Two typical groupware systems are introduced and the advantages of the Exchange groupware compared with Notes is emphasized . A kind of solution in groupware application based on Exchange is suggested for the middle-small corporation .

  28. 在此基础上,阐述了基于群件Notes的ODSS-CE的总体设计,并详细地描述了该系统的具体实现。

    On this base , the general design of ODSS-CE based on groupware Notes is retouched .

  29. 随着LotusDomino群件系统的普遍应用,Domino系统的规模不断扩大,基于Domino的关键应用也不断增多。

    With the wide application of Lotus Domino collaboration system and the increasing of Domino system , critical applications based on Domino are also increasing rapidly .

  30. Exchange是一个设计用于MicrosoftOutlook的群件服务器,提供消息传送服务器、共享日历、联系人数据库、公共文件夹、备忘和任务等特性。

    Exchange is a groupware server designed to work with Microsoft Outlook , and provides features like a messaging server , shared calendars , contact databases , public folders , notes , and tasks .