
  1. 因为在美国有很多不同的人种和民族,每种文化习俗都会把各自地方性的食物融合进美式菜肴的烹饪中。

    Since there are so many ethnic minorities in America , every culture has contributed a bit of their local food to American cuisine .

  2. 去年8月,GriffonPub餐厅开业,距离大瀑布只有几英里远。它的特色是随时供应的50种啤酒与创意十足的美式新菜肴,比如肉汁奶酪薯条。

    A gastro pub called the Griffon Pub , which features 50 beers on tap and creative New American dishes like gnocchi poutine , opened a few miles east of the falls in August .