
cài ɡuǒ
  • kohlrabi
  1. 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。

    The increased net profit ratio is 22.42 % and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33 . Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed , and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops ;

  2. 以275L电冰箱菜果室注射模具的断裂和返修,叙述了模具强度问题的重要性。

    This article emphasizes the importance of the mould strength according to the discussion on the mould crack and repairing for the 275L refrigerator salad drawer .

  3. 从电冰箱菜果室模具断裂看模具强度问题

    A discussion on the mould strength at the mould crack for the refrigerator salad drawer