
  • 网络The American Economic Review;AMERICAN ECONOMICS REVIEW;AER
  1. 一百年前的1911年3月,《美国经济评论》(americaneconomicreview)登出了第一篇文章,内容是关于美国西部被太阳晒到起泡的沙漠的灌溉的。

    One hundred years ago , in March 1911 , the American economic review ( AER ) published its first article-on irrigation in the " sun-blistered " deserts of the western United States .

  2. 这项研究已刊登在《美国经济评论》上。

    That study appears in the American Economic Review .

  3. 刘易斯,二元经济学模型,载《美国经济评论》1954年,第36期第46-51页。

    Lewis W A.A model of Dualistic Economics , The American Economic Review , 1954,36:46-51 .

  4. 本世纪科技跃进最大的十年〉,《美国经济评论》93期(2003年9月号)。

    Field , Alexander J. " The Most Technologically Progressive Decade of the Century . " American Economic Review 93 ( September 2003 ) .

  5. 就像其他从事美国经济与财政评论的同行一样,我已经对无意义的胡说产生了相当的忍耐力。

    Like anyone who writes regularly about what passes for economic and fiscal debate in American politics , I 've developed a strong tolerance for nonsense .