
  • 网络American study;American Studies Quarterly
  1. 但是华沙大学美国研究方面的专家ZbigniewLewicki表达了自己的担忧。

    But Zbigniew Lewicki , a specialist in American studies at the University of Warsaw , expressed concerns .

  2. 滕教授是北京外国语大学美国研究就中心的副教授。

    He is an Associate Professor at the American Studies Center .

  3. 这一结果似乎和去年11月美国研究人员发表的一项重要成果相矛盾。

    The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November .

  4. 美国研究人员现已乘日本人之东风赶超而上,将在一两年内研制出一套数字系统。

    American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two .

  5. 他是美国研究日本经济问题的首屈一指的权威。

    He 's america 's leading expert on the Japanese economy .

  6. 这支美国研究团队发现了感冒病毒及更危险的脊髓灰质炎病毒赖以生存的一种蛋白质。

    The US team found a protein that cold viruses and more dangerous polio-like viruses were dependent upon .

  7. 这支美国研究团队现在想开发出一种可以喷到鼻子上的药物来保护我们免收普通感冒的侵袭。

    The US team now want to develop a drug that could be sprayed up the nose to protect us from the common cold .

  8. 美国研究人员认为,燕麦片、黑面包、糙米这些全谷物食品对于防止中年发福很关键。

    The US researchers believe the wholegrains found in oats , as well as brown bread and brown rice , are the key to midlife weight loss .

  9. 该词源于一项美国研究报告,该研究显示,人们对甜食的偏好与自身的性情有关。那些笑容温暖、性格随和的女孩通常被叫作“甜心”。

    This word comes from an American research report , which revealed that people 's dessert preferences have something to do with their dispositions are often described as " sweethearts . "

  10. 其次,应向董事会展示美国研究机构catalyst及其他机构的研究成果,它们显示,随着领导团队多样化的提高,企业业绩和生产力都会得到改善。

    Second , point boards to the research by catalyst , the US-based group , and others that shows corporate performance and productivity improve as the diversity of the leadership team increases .

  11. 现在,政策制定者已经意识到风险&在伯南克(BenBernanke)被给予拯救世界之职以前,他是美国研究大萧条时期(theGreatDepression)经济的顶尖专家之一。

    Now , policy makers are aware of the risks & before he was given responsibility for saving the world , Ben Bernanke was one of our leading experts on the economics of the Great Depression .

  12. 安德鲁?格雷博士(DrAndrewGray)是美国研究空气污染的专家,并且进行了这次的研究。他说:这项研究就中国燃煤对人体健康带来负面影响的问题提供了一个前所未有的详细概况。

    This study provides an unprecedentedly detailed picture of the health fallout from China 's coal burning , said Dr Andrew Gray , a US-based expert on air pollution , who conducted the research .

  13. 当我决定来美国研究所时,我几乎花了一年的时间来准备GRE和托福考试,以完成申请程序。

    When I decided to come to the USA graduate school , I spent almost a year to prepare for the GRE and TOEFL exams and get the application process done .

  14. 据商学院入学考试GMAT的管理机构美国研究生入学管理委员会(GMAC)的数据显示,就连一向不会考虑去国外读MBA的美国学生,也开始左顾右盼。

    Even US students , who have traditionally never looked beyond their home market to study for an MBA , are beginning to develop a roving eye , according to data from the Graduate Management Admissions Council ( GMAC ), which administers the GMAT , the business school entry test .

  15. 美国研究生教育质量自我评价制度及启示

    The U.S. Self-evaluation System of Graduate Educational Qualities and Its Revelations

  16. 夏皮罗和根茨科在美国研究了这个问题。

    Gentzkow and Shapiro have studied this question in the US .

  17. 美国研究生教育的多样性研究

    The Research on the Diversity of American Graduate Student Education

  18. 美国研究机构及其取得成功的原因

    American Research Institutes and the Reasons for Their Success

  19. 美国研究生入学考试改革后的特点与启示

    Features of GRE after the Reform and its Enlightenment

  20. 美国研究开发投资研究及启示

    Study on Research and Development Investment in the United States and Its Implications

  21. 美国研究或对美国的研究&试析中外美国研究范畴的不对称性

    American Studies or Study of America & Analyzing Asymmetry in American Studies of Different Countries

  22. 另一个被一些美国研究生院所接受的入学考试是米勒推理考试。

    Another entrance exam accepted by some American graduate schools is the Miller analogies test .

  23. 美国研究:一个历史的解读

    American Studies : A Historical Interpretation

  24. 美国研究开发经费来源与分配的演变及其启示

    The Evolvement about the Source and Distribution of the Funds of R & D in US

  25. 电子游戏的教育价值:来自美国研究的新观点

    The Educational Values of Video Games

  26. 美国研究者表示,卫星传回的新数据显示,南极半岛的气候变化带来了显著的影响。

    The impact of climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula is evident in new satellite data , US researchers say .

  27. 中国高校很多优秀学生认为全球竞争环境下美国研究生院是最好的选择。

    Many top students from Chinese universities regard US graduate schools as the best choice in a globally competitive world .

  28. 在2008和2009年,美国研究生入学人数一度猛增,原因是许多失业者把研究生院当做了经济衰退期间的避风港。

    The declines followed surges in enrollment in 2008 and 2009 as many unemployed workers sought a haven during the recession .

  29. 2009年,美国研究生新生入学率强势增长了6%。

    In two thousand nine , graduate schools reported strong growth of six percent in first-time students from the United States .

  30. 随着美国研究生教育的发展和扩大,研究生的人数呈增加的趋势。

    With the development and expansion of graduate education in the United States , the number of graduate students is in a rising trend .