
  • 网络American Pastoral
  1. 菲利普·罗斯在上月接受法国杂志《LesInrocks》的采访时宣布他封笔的消息。他的代表作有《波特诺的怨诉》,小说《美国牧歌》曾获普利策小说奖。

    The author of such novels as American Pastoral , for which he won a Pulitzer Prize , and Portnoy 's Complaint slipped his retirement announcement into an interview last month with French magazine Les Inrocks .

  2. 《美国牧歌》是这一阶段的代表作。

    American Pastoral is his representative work in this period .

  3. 他的作品《美国牧歌》是他美国三部曲中的第一部小说。

    His work American Pastoral is the first novel of his American Trilogy .

  4. 在《美国牧歌》中,罗斯采用了丰富的象征主义元素来阐述美国梦这一永恒的美国文学主题。

    In American Pastoral he uses rich symbolic elements to explore the permanent motif in American literature & American dream .

  5. 《美国牧歌》是菲利普•罗斯的著作,书中描绘了主人公美国犹太人利沃夫一家由盛而衰的故事,身份问题是他们一家人难解的结。

    American Pastoral by Philip Roth , describes the story of the Jewish family of Levove from prosperity to decline , and their efforts to find their identity in American society .

  6. 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇。

    His idyllic life in Tahiti ; the pastoral legends of America 's Golden Age .

  7. 它属于美国典型浪漫主义牧歌式文学,描写的是与现实相接的一片神秘、原始、荒芜的乐土;

    The differences are : Walden belongs to typical American version of romantic pastoral , which describes a mysterious , untrammeled and primal paradise beginning at the limit of a real village ;

  8. 美国梦中的迷失者&《美国牧歌》主人公瑞典佬的悲剧评析

    Getting Lost in " American Dream ": Comment on the Tragedy of the Swede , Hero of American Pastoral