
  • 网络Ronald McKinnon;Ronald I Mckinnon;Ronald McKin-non;RonaldMcKinnon;Ronald Ian McKinnon
  1. 美国经济学家罗纳德·麦金农教授提出的中国之谜现象已经成为中国经济发展过程中的一个常态。

    The puzzle-of-China . phenomenon , mentioned fay an America economist , Professor Ronald McKinnon , has become a normal condition in the development of Chinese economy .

  2. 罗纳德·麦金农、爱德华·肖和雷蒙德W·戈德史密斯等人所创立并被理论界广为采纳的M2/GDP、FIR等指标为考察一国或地区金融发展水平提供了最基本的评价指标。

    The widely accepted indexes of M2 / GDP and FIR created by Ronald · McKinnon , Edward · S · Shaw and Raymond · W · Goldsmith are the basic ones for examining a certain country or area 's financial developing level .

  3. 金融自由化一词源于19世纪70年代经济学家罗纳德·麦金农和爱德华·肖提出的金融深化理论。

    The word " Financial liberalization " comes from the theory of financial deepening which was proposed by the eighteen seventies economists Ronald Mackinnon and Edward Shaw .