
  • 网络Robert Kaplan;Robert S. Kaplan
  1. 由罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿提出的平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard,BSC)体系,作为企业管理和业绩评价体系取得了巨大的成功。

    Robert Kaplan and David Norton Put forward the BSC ( Balanced Scorecard , BSC ) system , which was a great success as a business management and performance evaluation system .

  2. 本周早些时间,达拉斯联邦储备银行主席罗伯特·卡普兰预期2016年经济指数至少上升2个百分点。

    Earlier in the week , Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said he expected at least two rate hikes in 2016 .

  3. 罗伯特·卡普兰在1966年首先提出了对比修辞学的概念。

    Robert Kaplan ( 1966 ) proposed a notion of contrastive rhetoric as a hypothesis to account for some persistent characteristic patterns in ESL students ' writing .

  4. 平衡计分卡自1992年由罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿发明以来,作为重要的管理工具在全球得到了广泛的应用。

    Since balanced scorecard was invented by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992 , it was widely used in the whole world as an important management tool .

  5. 过去20年,罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿研究了一大批绩效大幅增长的公司,这些公司采用了平衡计分卡系统,并利用相关工具向员工更好地传达战略,指导和监督战略的实施工作。

    In the past 20 years , Robert · Kaplan and David · Norton researched a lot of good performance companies which made use of Balanced Scorecard system and used some relevant tools to deliver the strategy , direct , monitor the strategy execution .