
  1. 本文对贵州省罗甸县农村健康人群进行了HBV、HCV感染的流行病学调查。

    An epidemiologic investigation on infection of HBV , HCV among healthy population was conducted in Luodian county , Guizhou province .

  2. 以贵州罗甸二叠纪剖面为研究对象,详细讨论了海相碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素组成特点,及影响碳酸盐岩的δ13C和δ18O的主要因素。

    The paper details the compositions of the carbon and oxygen isotopeS in marine carbonate rocks from Luodian profile and analyzes the factors influencing δ 13C and δ 18O carefully .

  3. 罗甸石英猫眼的矿物学特征

    Mineralogical Characteristics of Quartz Chatoyant in Luodian County , Guizhou

  4. 喀斯特山地土地节约和集约利用研究&以贵州省罗甸县为例

    Study on Land Saving and Intensive Use on Karst Mountains

  5. 贵州省罗甸县蚊虫调查初步报告

    A Preliminary Report on the Mosquitoes of Lo-tien District , Kweichow Province

  6. 贵州罗甸晚二叠世辉绿岩及其区域构造意义

    Late Permian Diabase in Luodian , Southeastern Guizhou , and Its Tectonic Significances

  7. 喀斯特石漠化山区生态重建研究&以贵州省罗甸县大关村为例

    Study on Ecological Rehabilitation in Karst Regions & The Case of Daguan Village

  8. 紫茎泽兰在罗甸县的分布及危害调查平罗县陶乐镇中小学学生常见病分析

    Analysis of common diseases among pupils and middle school students in Taole town of Pingluo County

  9. 贵州罗甸纳水剖面是研究宾夕法尼亚亚系牙形刺和各阶界线的良好剖面。

    The Nashui section of Luodian , Guizhou is a good section for the study of the Pennsylvanian conodonts and the stage boundaries .

  10. 本文报道了贵州罗甸沫阳、四川广元上寺和重庆中梁山二叠系及二叠-三叠系界线附近海相碳酸盐岩的碳同位素测定结果。

    The carbon isotopes of the marine carbonate rocks of the permian strata and Permian-Triassic boundary were analyzed in Guangyuan and Chongqing of Sichuan province , and in Luodian of Guizhou province .

  11. 在贵州省罗甸县坡耕地上布置长期定位试验,研究几种水土保持措施对作物产量和土壤肥力变化的影响。

    A long term soil conservation site set up on sloping farmland in Luodian county of Guizhou province for studying on changes of crop yield and soil fertility in several soil conservation measures .

  12. 论文以紫云罗甸南丹构造带为主要研究对象,从不同时代沉积相空间变化和沉积盆地演化的角度研究大地构造问题。

    This paper studied the tectonics of the Ziyun-Luodian-Nandan belt in terms of the spatial variation of sedimentary facies of different times and evolution of the sedimentary basins , on which the tectonics have been discussed .

  13. 报道称,官员们将重新安置项目周边5公里内核心区——中国西南部贵州省平塘县和罗甸县——共2029户、9110人。

    The report said officials were relocating 2029 families , a total of 9110 people , living within a three-mile radius of the telescope in the area of Pingtang and Luodian Counties in the southwestern province of Guizhou .

  14. 火龙果含有较多的矿质营养元素,特别是钾、磷、镁、钙的含量丰富;产于贵州喀斯特山区罗甸的火龙果矿质元素含量高于广东从化的火龙果。

    Pitaya fruit contains more mineral nutrients , particularly potassium , phosphorus , magnesium , calcium-rich contents are rich . Mineral nutrients content of pitaya produced in Luodian conty located in Guizhou karst mountain area is higher than pitaya from Conghua , Guangdong . 6 .