
  • 网络Large funnel;giant doline
  1. 巴布亚新几内亚Muller高原的大漏斗

    Giant dolines of the Muller plateau , papua New Guinea a big cheater

  2. Muller高原漏斗的形成环境与其它大漏斗有许多相似性。

    The Muller Plateau dolines have formed in an environment that has many similarities to the other giant dolines .

  3. 本文讨论了Muller高原上三个大漏斗群(Rogorepo,Mamo和Atea)的形成机制。

    Proposed mechanisms for the formation of three groups ( Rogorepo , Mamo and Atea ) of giant dolines on the Muller Plateau are discussed .

  4. 水库的拦截和坝基的防渗,截断了下游平原区地下水的补给来源,地下水位因此不断下降,形成区域大漏斗,恶化了地质生态环境,引起地下水资源不断减少。

    Therefore , the dam construction deteriorates the geological eco-environment and makes the groundwater sources decrease continuously .

  5. 希德基本全天都为女友下厨准备饭菜,并用大漏斗给莫妮卡喂3500卡路里的奶昔。

    He spends his days cooking her meals and feeding her 3500 calorie shakes through a funnel .

  6. 大杯蕈是八十年代驯化成功的一种食用菌新品种,形似漏斗或者杯状,又名大杯伞、大漏斗菇。

    Clitocybe maxima is a new variety of edible mushroom which was domesticated in 1980s . Its shape likes a cup or a funnel , so it is also called Clitocybe , or funnel mushroom .

  7. 地下水经过多年的开采,已形成东西两大地下水降落漏斗。

    After years of exploitation of groundwater has been formed in two groundwater cone of depression .

  8. 地下水作为水资源的重要组成部分,在缓解城市供水需求的同时也形成了一些环境地质问题,如水位持续下降、形成大面积降落漏斗、地下水污染等。

    Groundwater is an important component of water resources . It relieves the need of urban water supply and formates a number of environmental geological problems , such as the water level continued dropping , large acreage cone of depression formatted , groundwater polluted and so on .

  9. 它们的耳朵大,形状像漏斗。

    They are big and shaped like funnels .

  10. 地下水源热泵抽取地下水形成大范围的降水漏斗是否会引起地面及建筑物出现过大沉降一直为业内关注。

    Whether a wide range of draw-out will cause the ground and buildings big settlement should to be solved soon .

  11. 部分地区由于集中超量开采,出现了大面积的降落漏斗,并且面积在逐年扩大。

    Some area appear to large area of descend funnel , and the area is expanded year by year , because of the centralized and excessive exploitation .

  12. 支持管位于杂质收集管内的部分是个下大上小的漏斗型末端以便更有效地收集杂质。

    The part of the supporting pipe in the foreign matter collecting pipe is a funnel-like terminal of large lower part and small upper part which is used for collecting more effectively .

  13. 模拟结果表明:在拟定开采方案下,未来规划期内水源地的地下水位降深过程平稳,没有出现大范围水位降落漏斗;

    The simulation result shows : under designed pumping scheme , groundwater level in the well field will decline gradually in the future , with no appearance of groundwater cone of depression in large scale ;

  14. 预计枣园井网形成大面积的压降漏斗后,其单井平均产气量在2500~3000m3/d。

    It is predicted that the average gas rate of single well would be from 2500 cubic meters to 3000 cubic meters per day , after a larger range of pressure drop funnel was formed .