
  • 网络Network plan diagram;activity network
  1. PERT网络计划图自动布点的研究

    Research on Automatically Points Displacement Based on PERT Network Plan Chart

  2. 当前在电厂中绘制网络计划图主要靠技术人员手绘或使用类似AutoCAD之类的软件,费时费力且不利于随时修改。

    Currently , the network graph is generated by hand or by software like AutoCAD , which is a time-consuming work and difficult to quickly follow the changes of project .

  3. 网络计划图的工序关系及其复杂性研究

    A study of JOBS-RELATION algorithm and complexity in a PERT Network

  4. 一种编制双代号网络计划图的通用方法

    A General Method for Drawing up Two Symbolic Network Graph

  5. 双代号网络计划图的生成与绘制

    On Generating and Drawing of Dual Code Network Planning Drawing

  6. 但是对于工序繁多的工程来说,网络计划图的绘制是一项复杂的工作。

    But the job to make network planning and draw network-planning graph is complicate .

  7. 电厂机组大修网络计划图的编制

    Network graph generation for unit maintenance

  8. 关于网络计划图的绘制

    The drawing of network program maps

  9. 2能够将调整好的网络计划图保存到图形文件中,以便打印。

    Second , it can preserve the adjusted network planning chart in the chart document , which is easy for printing .

  10. 结合实例介绍了在流水网络计划图上标画实际进度前锋线,利用延迟时距对进度偏差进行分析的流水网络施工进度动态监测方法。

    Give an example of how to realize it by drawing the vanguard line and analyzing schedule deflection with delay distance .

  11. 运用计算机辅助作网络计划图和网络仿真,使网络计划方法更为方便实用和有效。

    It makes PERT method more convenient , practical and effective to draw the PERT diagram and carry out simulation with a computer .

  12. 根据公路工程的特点,将公路工程项目进行工序分解,利用网络计划图将其连接成一个整体。

    On the basis of highway project characters , this research links all working procedure of a highway project together by network planning .

  13. 电厂机组检修是保证电厂安全生产的一项重要工作,而机组大修网络计划图的应用可以大大提高电厂机组检修工程的效率。

    Unit maintenance is important to the safe production of power plant , and the project planning using network graph can improve its efficiency .

  14. 但由于高层建筑层次多,内容复杂,若将其施工计划反映在一张施工网络计划图上显得繁杂且不明了。

    Because of more floors and complication of tall buildings , it is not concise that construction planning is reflected in one construction network planning chart .

  15. 在分析提前期与库存成本的关系基础上,论证了以下结论:在提前期网络计划图中,只要存在非关键路径,供应链库存成本就不是最优成本。

    Analyzing and demonstrating the below conclusion : inventory cost of supply chain would be not the lowest if only a non-critical path exists in lead time network program .

  16. 通过对施工网络计划图的绘制及其关键线路分析,提出施工网络计划图在施工方案中的优化、调整及应用。

    Through drawing the construction network scheme and analyzing the key route line , the author put forward the optimization , regulation and application of the CNS in hydropower project construction plans .

  17. 针对这一问题,使用了一种人工智能的搜索算法,可以根据工程中各个工序的先后关系自动生成网络计划图,并且以该算法为核心编制了应用软件。

    An intelligent searching algorithm is used to automatically generate the network graph by computer according to the task sequence of unit maintenance , and the application software based on this algorithm is introduced .

  18. 在此基础上给出一种基于遗传算法的求解方法,在算法中有效地利用了网络计划图的拓扑排序,减少了遗传操作过程中非法个体的修复计算量,加快了算法的收敛速度。

    On this basis , presents a solution based on genetic algorithms , reducing the computation of repair individual illegal operation in genetic process , speeding up the convergence speed using the topological sorting in network plan .

  19. 详细分析了面向铁路工程的双代号网络计划图的生成算法,包括网络图的节点编号算法和节点坐标的生成方法。

    The arithmetic of generating a dual code network drawing is analyzed in detail , including the arithmetic of generating the node number of the network nodes and the method of generating the coordinates of the nodes .

  20. 基于粒子群优化算法的双代号网络进度计划图的绘制

    Drawing Network Planning Graph of Activity-on-Arrow Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

  21. GB/T13400.2-1992网络计划技术网络图画法的一般规定

    General rule for representation on network planning techniques

  22. 论网络计划与施工图预算的联结

    The dissertation Linking Network with Budget

  23. 网络计划技术中网络图绘制的算法研究

    A Research on the Algorithm of Network Graph Drawing in Network Projecting

  24. 目前,用计算机编制网络计划和绘制网络图仍需不少人工参与。

    In this paper the mathematical model for the problems of working out an arrow network planning and drawing its diagram by computer is constructed .

  25. 提出了核工程质量与进度集成控制网络计划技术及其网络图模型,介绍了该网络计划的编制和使用方法。

    The network planning technique and its ' network model is presented for nuclear project quality and schedule integration control . The construction methods of the network and its ' application are put forward .

  26. 本文介绍了网络计划技术的概念,阐述了双代号网络计划图和单代号网络计划图的特点。

    In this paper , the concepts of network planning techniques is introduced at the beginning . The characteristics of dual code and single code network drawing is expounded .

  27. 第四部分采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图,最后通过对研发项目工期的优化,为项目管理者确定了项目的管理目标。

    The fourth uses decomposition of the structure of a work plan and network technologies developed a project plan and draw plans for the Project Network .

  28. 采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图及项目甘特图。

    Thirdly , the research outlines the project plan by means of Work Breakdown Structure and network planning technology and draws Project Network plans and projects Gantt .

  29. 从理论上探讨了网络图中活动的紧前活动与节点的关系,提出了一个网络计划图的按类生成算法。

    Activities This paper discusses mutuality of pre jobs and nodes and presents the algorithm based on pre jobs classification in PERT network .