
  1. 因为从互联网下载的音乐比传统的CD光盘要便宜的多,而且“得益于”网络盗版的盛行,这些数字音乐经常可以免费得到。

    Downloaded music is much cheaper than the old compact discs . Indeed , thanks to widespread piracy , it is often free .

  2. Netflix还没有进入中国市场。长期以来,中国的网络盗版活动一直是遏制西方娱乐公司进入中国市场的一个因素。

    Netflix has yet to enter the Chinese market , where online piracy has long served as a deterrent to Western entertainment companies .

  3. 该公司的主管们称,他们在打击网络盗版方面也取得进展,这些盗版行为显然与已拍好的五部影片有关,包括尚未上映的《安妮》(Annie)。

    Executives at the entertainment company said they were also making progress in fighting the apparently related Internet pirating of five complete films , including the unreleased Annie .

  4. 网络盗版不断增加,DVD和国际电视市场日趋萎缩,也对电影发行权的销售构成压力。由于广告市场疲软,电视台用于购买影片播放权的资金减少。

    Sales of distribution rights are also under pressure from rising internet piracy and the shrinking DVD and international television market the weak advertising market means broadcasters have less money to spend on licensing films .

  5. 通过苹果(Apple)的iTunes等合法服务,唱片业仅夺回了因网络盗版而损失的部分资金。该行业如今正试图开发一种针对音乐视频的高级模式。

    The music industry , having clawed back only a fraction of the money lost to online piracy through legal services such as Apple 's iTunes , is trying to develop a premium model for music video .

  6. 美国近来为打击互联网产权侵权采取了一系列措施,最近的一项就是《禁止网络盗版法案》(SOPA),正在接受议会审查。

    The Stop Online Piracy Act ( SOPA ), now before America 's Congress , is the latest of many recent attempts to defend property rights on the internet .

  7. 这确实成了难题。美国近来为打击互联网产权侵权采取了一系列措施,最近的一项就是《禁止网络盗版法案》(SOPA),正在接受议会审查。

    The Stop Online Piracy Act ( SOPA ) , now before America 's Congress , is the latest of many recent attempts to defend property rights on the internet .

  8. 《停止网络盗版法案》和《保护知识产权法案》分别简称为SOPA和PIPA,支持者称这样可以打击销售盗版美国电影和音乐的外国网站。

    The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act are known as SOPA and PIPA for short . Supporters say they are a way to fight foreign websites that sell copies of American movies and music .

  9. 由于国家广电总局有意清理网络盗版,包括VeryCD在内的多家资源共享网站可谓前途未卜。

    As the State Administration of Radio Film and Television looks to wipe out piracy on the Internet , file-sharing websites like VeryCD are facing an uncertain future .

  10. 新网站配备了最新的加密系统,这样一来只有用户知道所上传文件的内容,而且可以防止政府指控其网络盗版,而这正是Megaupload网站被指控的核心罪名。

    It features state-of-the-art encryptions so that only the users know what 's being uploaded that could stop authorities from accusing the site of aiding online piracy , the key allegation in the Megaupload case .

  11. 国会现在正在考虑实施“禁止网络盗版法案”(sopa),这一法案将允许版权持有者对为盗版站点提供金钱和流量支持的媒介如支付服务、搜索引擎、互联网服务供应商采取行动。

    Congress is now considering the stop online piracy Act ( SopA ) which would let copyright-holders take action against the intermediaries-such as payment services , search engines , and Internet service providers ( ISPs ) - that supply money and traffic to pirate sites .

  12. 在围绕网络盗版的辩论中,各方有一套中心反派人物。

    The online piracy debate supplies central casting villains for all sides .

  13. 到目前为止,阻止网络盗版的努力很大程度上失败了。

    So far , attempts to stop online piracy have largely failed .

  14. “禁止网络盗版法案”的斗争在两股非常具有创造性的势力之间展开。

    The battle over SOPA is a fight between two hugely creative forces .

  15. 网络盗版与“利益平衡”

    Network Piracy and " Balance of Interests "

  16. 有些反对禁止网络盗版法的组织及个人同样反对谷歌的新政策。

    Some of the same groups and many of the same individuals that opposed SopA also oppose this .

  17. 中国在持续月余的打击网络盗版和侵权行动中取得显著成效。

    China has made notable progress in its crackdown on Internet piracy and copyright infringement following months-long campaigns .

  18. 法院没有时间将成千上万的一般网络盗版者绳之以法。

    Courts do not have time to haul in the millions of ordinary users who pilfer copyright material online .

  19. 此外,报告的调查数据显示网络盗版漫画市场规模之大令人惊叹。

    In addition , the report of the survey data shows the market scale of online piracy comic big amazing .

  20. 尽管停止网络盗版法案自身并没有影响到他们,可是他们对抵制任何形式侵犯知识产权的行为很感兴趣。

    Though SOPA itself does not affect them , they have a big interest in fighting any kind of intellectual-property infringement .

  21. 与此同时,网络盗版作品的泛滥使网络著作权的侵权现象变得不足为奇。

    At the same time , the proliferation of online piracy works make the network copyright infringement phenomenon becomes a commonplace .

  22. 其次,数字技术的快速发展,带来了大量网络盗版的问题。

    Second , digital technology is booming , but Internet piracy problem brings a lot of difficulties to the effective regulation .

  23. 使用“相似图片搜索”功能搜索网络盗版漫画比搜索盗版动画困难。

    Use " similar image search " feature to search for online piracy , pirated cartoon animation than the search difficult .

  24. 这是日本动漫在多年来遭受网络盗版漫画侵扰的情况下,政府出面首次进行的大规模专项调查。

    This is Japanese anime cartoons online piracy over the years suffered harassment case , the government has first large-scale special investigation .

  25. 业内人士希望中国官员立法打击网络盗版侵权,确保音乐人从唱片发行公司那里得到有利的收入分成。

    Industry insiders hope that Chinese officials will create legislation to stamp out piracy online and ensure they get favorable shares of revenue from companies that license their music .

  26. 该计划将使法国处于打击网络盗版行为的前沿,以三振出局的政策打击屡次犯事者,其目的是减少非法文件共享行为。萨科齐将在今日的一次演讲中批准这项计划。

    The plan , which Mr Sarkozy will endorse in a speech today , will put France at the forefront of the battle against internet piracy with a three-strikes-and-you-are-out policy against repeat offenders , with the aim of reducing illegal file-sharing .

  27. 这是中国第一宗规模成功打击网络软件盗版行为的刑事案件,总部设在华盛顿的商业软件联盟(BusinessSoftwareAlliance)表示。BSA是业内主要的国际游说集团。

    This is the first successful criminal case to crack down , on such a large scale , on online software piracy in China , said the Washington-based Business Software Alliance , the industry 's main global lobbying group .

  28. 显示,已经有某些组织在提案中要求ACTA协议国(当然也包括美国)必须出台网络反盗版措施。

    A leaked set of proposals for the Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement ( ACTA ) suggests the international deal will require harsh online anti-piracy measures .

  29. 保护知识产权打击网络侵权盗版活动是加强互联网管理的重要内容,也是保证互联网事业健康发展的重要手段。

    To protect intellectual property rights by combating against Internet piracy is an important measure to strengthen the administration of Internet culture and a guarantee for its healthy development .

  30. 正网络效应和盗版威胁并存是我国近年来网络信息商品销售的主要特征。

    The positive network effects and piracy are two primary characteristics of the information goods in Chinese internet markets .