
  • 网络Anilox;anilox roller;anilox roll
  1. 干洗用塑料媒体是公认的行业专家作为最安全的方法,深度清洁网纹辊套筒。

    Dry cleaning with plastic media is widely recognized by industry experts as the safest method of deep cleaning anilox sleeves .

  2. 主要从印版版材、厚度、硬度,印刷压力,油墨粘度、pH值,网纹辊网线数这几方面综合分析研究。

    A comprehensive analysis of these studies has been made about the printed edition version of material , thickness , hardness , printing pressure , ink viscosity , PH value , the number of roller cable .

  3. 环保印刷最关键部件&激光雕刻陶瓷网纹辊投产

    Laser-engraved ceramic knurled roll , a key part to environmental protection-oriented

  4. 网纹辊与橡胶间有微调装置,使着墨更均匀。

    The net line Gun and rubber are tiny to adjust to equip and make Mo more even .

  5. 钢制网纹辊特殊处理,印刷均匀,细字清晰稳定。

    The Gun special processing of the steel system net line , the printing be even and the serif be clear stability .

  6. 这不仅大幅度提高了网纹辊的使用寿命,而且为高速、高精度柔性版制卡和会员卡制作创造了条件。

    This not only raised roller service life , and for high-speed , high-precision flexo business card printing making and membership card .

  7. 主要是控制好上光油的粘度,网纹辊的深度和烘箱的温度即可,上光油瞬间干燥,可直接烫金、模切。

    Mainly control on viscosity , the depth of the roller and oven temperature , dry finish , souvenirs * , direct gilding , die-cutting .

  8. 网纹辊、橡胶辊设有气动抬起自动运转装置,机器暂停时水墨不致干涸。

    The net line Gun , rubber Gun establish spirit to move to lift auto operation equip , machine pause water Mo unlikely dried up .

  9. 网纹辊涂布机适用于涂布溶剂性或水溶性涂料,胶水,颜色等到塑料薄膜或纸张上。

    Our gravure coating machine is used for coating and lacquering or water based lacquer , adhesive , colour etc to plastic film and also paper .

  10. 水性油墨粘度粘度偏高时,油墨的转移性能比较差,容易出现脏版、糊版等现象,油墨很容易干涸在网纹辊上,易堵塞着墨孔。

    When the water-based ink viscosity is a litter high , the transfer of ink will become relatively poor and the plate will become dirty easily . Ink will dry on the roller easily and it will plug the reference hole .