
  1. 网易公司邮件服务器的IP是多少?

    What are Netease Mail Server 's IP addresses ?

  2. 网易联姻MSN:内容合作还是进军移动领域?

    Headline : NetEase Collaborates with MSN : Content Cooperation Or Entry into Mobile Sector ?

  3. 如今,中国正以自己的四巨头“BANT”——百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、网易(Netease)与腾讯(Tencent)——予以回应。

    Now China is responding with its very own quartet of Bants - Baidu , Alibaba , Netease and Tencent .

  4. 美国新闻门户网站TheInformation近日援引知情人士消息称,谷歌公司正与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用商店谷歌Play引入中国大陆。

    Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc , China 's second-largest online games provider , to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland , according to The Information , a US news portal , which cited people familiar with the matter .

  5. 与本土竞争对手网易(NetEase)不同,腾讯基本上只代理游戏,而不是自己制作。

    Unlike NetEase , its Chinese rival , Tencent has largely licensed rather than produced its own games .

  6. 网易公司将通过新一代优质的MMORPG游戏来集中发展游戏产业。

    The company will keep efforts heavily concentrated on the game business by developing high-quality next generation MMORPG games .

  7. 2011年,中国游戏公司网易(NetEase)创始人丁磊(WilliamDing)开设了一家养猪场,并开始在线销售猪肉,购买者可用兑换券支付。网易是《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在中国的运营商。

    William Ding , founder of NetEase , the Chinese gaming company that operates World of Warcraft in the territory , opened a pig farm in 2011 and began selling pork online in exchange for vouchers .

  8. 本文的主要工作内容和创新点如下:1.以IBM规划、网易邮箱以及奥运安防三个实例引出人脸识别技术的重要性,不仅在科学研究上,而且在实际应用中。

    This thesis obtains the following contents and innovations : 1 . The face recognition is not only important to research , but also practical to apply . We expound these by given three examples , such as IBM planning , netease mailbox , and the Olympic security .

  9. Newzoo表示,网易本月跃居中国iOS游戏市场开发商榜首;在今年5月份中国最畅销的前100款安卓游戏中,腾讯发行的游戏作品数量占到23款,而它们的收入占畅销安卓游戏TOP100总收入的45%。

    According to Newzoo , NetEase ranked the top grossing publisher on domestic iOS game market this month while Tencent alone claimed about 45 percent of Chinese Android game revenues in May , publishing 23 of the top 100 titles .

  10. 本文通过抽样调查的方法,对当前国内三大网络即时通讯工具(腾讯QQ、网易POPO、新浪UC)弹出式新闻的编辑状况进行比较分析,以揭示其各自的特色。

    By using the method of sample survey , this paper investigated the edit situation of popup news in the three main instant messengers QQ , POPO and UC , in order to find out their character .

  11. 我们还认为网易是购买服务器,价值约RMB250M从当地供应商,这可能是用于运行魔兽世界。

    We also believe NTES is purchasing servers worth about RMB250M from local vendors , which may be used to run WoW .

  12. 2015年11月,该决定的第一阶段已生效。在纽约上市的百度、网易和阿里巴巴首次被纳入MSCI明晟新兴市场指数,这似乎尤其增加了阿里巴巴的热度。

    The move , the first stage of which came into effect in November 2015 , brought New York-listed Baidu , Netease and Alibaba into the index for the first time , a move that appears to have particularly boosted the latter .

  13. 分析了目前国内腾讯QQ、微软MSN、网易POPO、新浪UC、雅虎通、ICQ等几大主流即时通讯工具的特点和现存问题,并预测了即时通讯工具的发展趋势。

    This paper analyzes the features of and problems existing in the main instant communication tools such as QQ , MSN , POPO , UC , Yahoo ! messenger , ICQ and so on , and forecasts the developing trends of instant communication tools .

  14. 网易的网址是163.com,这可以追溯到以前的中国网民上网时都得先拨163才能连上网络。

    The Internet company NetEase uses the web address 163.com - a throwbackto the days of dial-up when Chinese Internet users had to enter 163 to getonline .

  15. 另一个移动市场研究机构Newzoo表示,中国今年将向移动游戏市场投入10个亿。目前为止,腾讯和网易是中国游戏市场最主要的开发商。

    Another mobile market monitor -- Newzoo noted that China is set to reach a billion mobile games market this year , saying Tencent and NetEase are by far the most dominant publishers in the nation .

  16. 我们认为,这将是一个积极的网易,如果接管魔兽行动,但同时也将大大不利NCTY(NCTY,未评级)。

    We believe it would be a positive for NTES if it takes over WoW operations , but at the same time it would be significantly negative for NCTY ( NCTY , Not Rated ) .

  17. 他秘密网易有道在线翻译了议员,暗中对他施加影响。

    He met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs influence .

  18. 对于网易,这意味着更多的收入和净收入。

    For NTES , it means additional revenue and net income .

  19. 网易:不想没的玩就跟我来。

    Netease : Come with me if you want to live .

  20. 丁磊甚至透露,网易已经开始储备相应技术。

    Ding even revealed that NetEase already started reservation of related technology .

  21. 我们认为,这是有道理的暴雪切换到网易。

    We believe it makes sense for Blizzard to switch to NTES .

  22. 一位网易用户16日写道,真是个灾难!

    ' What a disaster ! 'wrote one Netease user on Tuesday .

  23. 一位网民写道,我想尝尝网易牌猪肉。

    ' I want to try Netease-brand pork ! 'said one Web user .

  24. 携手网易,营销中国航空市场新加坡航空公司、全日航空公司网络营销案例

    Enter China Avigation Market hand in hand with NETEASE

  25. 在1亿网民中建立品牌疆域的营销专家&网易网络营销优势解读

    Establish a Marketing Expert in Brand Field among One Hundred Million People Online

  26. 会计准则差异对异地上市公司的影响&网易公司停牌的案例研究

    Standards on foreign stock exchange listings & A case study of Netease delisted

  27. 今天看了网易裁员的事件,感觉有些失望。

    Today I obtained the news of " The redundancy of Netease " .

  28. 振动筛网易结疤问题的分析

    Analysis of scarring problem of vibration screen mesh

  29. 手机行销中的紫牛&飞利浦768手机与网易的成功营销合作

    Purple Cow in Mobile Phone Marketing Mobile Middleware

  30. 从明天开始,将有很多的通用汽车在网易上拍卖。

    Starting tomorrow , many new GM vehicles will go on sale on eBay .