
  • 网络Buddhism in Burma
  1. 试论缅甸佛教青年协会

    An Analysis of The Young Men 's Buddhist Association of Myanmar

  2. 丹瑞访问印度期间曾经会见缅甸佛教僧侣,据称,丹瑞似乎健康欠佳。

    Burmese Buddhist monks in India who met Than Shwe during his recent visit there said he appeared to be in ill health .

  3. 在古代缅甸,上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系。

    In ancient Burma , Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power .

  4. 曼德勒的肮脏无序掩盖了它作为缅甸文化中心和佛教圣地的地位。

    Mandalay 's grimy disarray belies its role as Burma 's cultural and religious centre of Buddhism .