
lǜ hǎi guī
  • green turtle
绿海龟[lǜ hǎi guī]
  1. 绿海龟稚龟高密度养殖越冬技术初报

    High Density Feeding of Green Turtle through Hibernation

  2. 科学家们对它们的这一习性有了新的见解。每年12月到次年6月,成千上万只绿海龟迁徙。

    Every year between December and June , thousands of green sea turtles migrate .

  3. 现在,他们研发出了一个模型来模拟绿海龟的那段艰辛征程。

    Now they 've developed a model which simulates part of that arduous2 journey .

  4. 中国南海绿海龟(Cheloniamydas)线粒体DNA序列分析

    MtDNA Sequence Analysis of Green Sea Turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) of the South China Sea

  5. 上周一,曼谷的兽医对一只25岁雌性绿海龟做了手术,这只海龟名叫“Bank”,由于常年来东部是拉差镇的游客都喜欢往它所居住的水池扔硬币以求好运,这使得它严重消化不良。

    Veterinarians in Bangkok operated last Monday on the 25-year-old female green sea turtle nicknamed " Bank , " whose indigestible diet was a result of many tourists seeking good fortune tossing coins into her pool over many years in the eastern town of Sri Racha .

  6. 其方法是在海龟背上粘附卫星链接发报器并通过全球Argos卫星信号传输系统追踪南海绿海龟产卵后的洄游路径。

    The method was tracking the post nesting migrant routes of green turtles through the satellite linked transmitters which were attached on the back of turtles and the global satellite signal transmitting system of Argos .

  7. 绿海龟稚龟的人工饲养

    Artificial Feeding of Baby Turtle of Chelonia mydas The Tortoise Family

  8. 一只夏威夷绿海龟在仅有几英尺深的水里游泳。

    A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water .

  9. 在最后一个冰河时期绿海龟也幸存下来;

    They survived the last ice age ;

  10. 本能使绿海龟总是回到它们的孵化地所在的海滩。

    The instinct drives green turtles to always return to the beach where they were hatched .

  11. 本文阐述了绿海龟稚龟的人工饲养与疾病防治技术。

    The paper expounds the technique of artificial feeding and disease control of baby turtles of Chelonia mydas .

  12. 通过对292只1龄绿海龟活体和114只当年龟标本观察,发现60只龟背甲盾片有变异现象。

    Sixty individuals with carapace scute variation have been observed among 292 one-year age and 114 hatchlings of green sea-turtles .

  13. 气候变化正在威胁着诸如珍稀的绿海龟等迁徙物种的存在,这让人们更加担心发展中国家的旅游业可能面临衰退。

    Climate change is threatening the existence of migratory species such as rare green turtles , heightening concern that tourism in poor countries may decline .

  14. 注意:大绿海龟经常出现在这个奇妙的潜水点。

    Come on ! Come on , Tortoise ! Watch for the Giant Green Sea Turtles in this bay as they often frequent this fantastic dive spot .

  15. 实施了旨在了解南海绿海龟洄游习性并获取物理环境数据的生物遥测试验。

    We conducted a biotelemetry experiment to study the migrant behavior of green turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) in South China Sea and acquire the physical environment data .

  16. 结果获得了三只绿海龟海上迁徙过程实时定位及其环境测量数据,这对于制订海龟保护策略和物理海洋学研究有重要意义。

    We obtained the positions of the post nesting migrant routes of three green turtles and environment data , which were important in conservation of green turtles and the research of physical oceanography .

  17. 朱拉隆功大学兽医学院院长荣格罗·松索功表示,绿海龟一般有80年左右的寿命,目前已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。

    Typically , a green sea turtle has a lifespan of around 80 years , said Roongroje Thanawongnuwech , dean of Chulalongkorn University 's veterinary faculty . It is listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature .

  18. 海龟绿脂海龟上壳下部的一种可食的、浅绿色胶质物质。

    An edible , gelatinous , greenish substance lying beneath the upper shell of a turtle .