
mián máo
  • wool;tomentum
绵毛[mián máo]
  1. 绵毛马兜铃结晶K(C(15)H(20)O2)的分子及晶体结构

    Molecular and Crystal Structure of the Compound C_ ( 15 ) H_ ( 20 ) O_2 from Aristolochia Mollissima Hance

  2. 当硫酸盐-氯化物型沙壤土的全盐量超过8.03g/kg,绵毛优若藜表现盐害。

    The Ceratoides lanata will be harmed , when total solution salt of sulphate-chloride is 8.03g/kg .

  3. 北美东部的一种莎草,具许多簇生绵毛小穗。

    Sedge of eastern North America having numerous clustered woolly spikelets .

  4. 河南绵毛马兜铃精油化学成分的GC/MS分析

    Analysis or Essential Oil of Henan Aristolochia Mollissima by GC / MS

  5. 水分胁迫对绵毛水苏生长及光合特性的影响

    Effect of Water Stress on the Photosynthesis and Growing Characteristics in Stachys Seeding

  6. 干旱沙区不同种源的绵毛优若藜表现性比较

    Performances of Ceratoides lanata Plants of Different Seed Sources in Arid Desert Regions

  7. 一个具绵毛的多年生小型草本属,具小白色盘状花的头状花序,有棒状刚毛形成的冠毛。

    Small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles .

  8. 田间试验测得的沙土和粘土的绵毛优若藜的萎蔫系数分别为1.25%和2.96%。

    The wither indexes of sandy soil and clay are 1.25 % and 2.96 % by field experimentation .

  9. 酸模叶蓼和绵毛酸模叶蓼中脂肪酸的研究敖汉细毛羊小肠可吸收氨基酸理想模式的研究

    The Study on Ideal Pattern of Absorbable Amino Acids in the Small Intestine of Aohan Fine Wool Sheep

  10. 通过试验研究表明,育苗覆土厚度和覆盖基质对绵毛优若藜发芽有显著影响;

    The research result shows that thickness of covering soil and material have a remarkable influence on germination of Ceratoides lateens .

  11. 腈纶珠光网眼泡沫印花套装花序圆锥状;花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

    Acrylic printed fleecy suit Inflorescence paniculate , rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

  12. 北美西部的一种小形的早花毛茛,花黄色、有光泽。花序圆锥状;花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。

    Small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America . Inflorescence paniculate , rachis tawny tomentose ; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence .

  13. 试验结果表明,华北驼绒藜的水分生理指标普遍高于绵毛优若藜,在水分胁迫状态下,华北驼绒藜的光合作用要比绵毛优若藜强。

    The results showed that all water parameter of Ceratoides arborescens were higher than that of Ceratoides lanata , and the photosynthetic rate of c.arborescens was also higher under water stress .

  14. 黄花牛耳朵的体态和叶形与牛耳朵(C.eburnea)相似,但前者聚伞花序俯垂,花冠黄色,花药与退化雄蕊先端密被白色绵毛。

    The new species is similar to Chirita eburnea Hance in its habit and leaf form , but differs by its nutant cyme , flavous corolla , anthers and staminodes white lanate at apex .

  15. 在民勤沙生植物园,通过室内和田间试验,对引自美国西部沙漠区和草原区的绵毛优若藜的物候期、种子发芽温度、植物的生长和地上部分营养成分进行了观测与测定。

    Indoor and field experiments were conducted in Minqin Psammophyte Garden to investigate the phenophases , germination temperatures and growths of Ceratoides lanata , which were introduced from the desert region and grassland region of the United States , as well as determine the nutrient contents of its aboveground parts .

  16. 绢丝落绵在毛针织产品中的应用

    Application of Spun Silk Noils to Woollen Knitted Products

  17. 但从分行业来看,由于各子行业的竞争力不同,加入WTO受益由大到小依次是丝绸和服装行业、绵纺织业、毛纺织、麻纺织,由于技术和规模等原因可能有负面影响。

    But , because of different competitive power , the most beneficial industry is sick industry , then followed by costume industry , cotton textile industry , woolen textile industry and liner fabrics industry Due to the technology and scale , the competition may bring some negation effect .