
  • 网络Performance Planning;performance plan
  1. 它包含了绩效计划、持续动态的沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断与辅导,绩效再计划五个部分。

    It composed with performance planning , continuously dynamic communication , performance appraisal , performance diagnosis and coach , and performance re-planning .

  2. 第四部分详细介绍改进后的个人绩效计划和绩效评估表,以及对改进后绩效管理系统初步应用效果的评价。

    In the last part , the article specifies the new performance planning sheet and performance appraisal sheet , and the evaluation on new performance management system of the center .

  3. 借助目标管理法(MBO法)的思想,制定有激励效果的绩效计划;设定关键绩效指标(KPI),并将考核指标量化,将考核结果应用于激励机制中。

    The performance plan is worked out using Management by Objective ( MBO ) to be incentive . The key performance indicators are set and quantized , and the results of performance evaluation will be applied in motivation system .

  4. 用层次优化理论讨论电网企业各层级的绩效计划。

    Optimal level theory is used to discuss performance plan for different levels .

  5. 在优化设计方面强调绩效计划阶段,好的绩效考核流程一切从好的计划开始。

    Design , emphasized performance in optimizing the planning stage , a good performance appraisal process everything from the well planned .

  6. 一位前员工说,他好不容易熬出一份缜密的10天绩效计划,可那帮同事连反馈都懒得回复。

    After being put on a rigorous 10-day performance plan , one former employee said his team didn 't even bother to give him feedback .

  7. 本系统实现的业绩评价功能包括两个阶段性的信息管理功能,即面向绩效计划的信息管理功能,该功能主要在绩效周期的初期使用,但原则上在绩效考评阶段开始之前都有效。

    Performance plan oriented information management is mainly used at the beginning of performance cycle and is usually valid before the performance evaluation stage starts .

  8. 第三部分是绩效计划的改进对策,在调研的基础上,对矿石开采单位的大部分工作岗位制定了各自的绩效指标及衡量标准;

    The third part is countermeasure that can improve performance of administer , based on investigation , the mass of employees of ore corporation has been drawn up different index of performance and norm of measurement .

  9. 通过管理者和员工共同参与的绩效计划、绩效辅导、绩效考核和绩效结果反馈过程,引导员工实现组织目标和提升组织绩效水平。

    The staff will be guided to realize the goal of organization through the process of performance plan , performance guiding , performance examinations and the feedback of performance results which the supervisors and the employees all take part in .

  10. 分别讨论了对记者开展绩效计划、绩效实施(包括绩效辅导和绩效沟通)、绩效考核、绩效反馈、绩效改进与系统的诊断和提高等各环节的实施方式、改进要点。

    It discusses the ways of implementation and the main points of improvement for carrying out the performance plan towards journalists , performance implementation ( including performance counseling and performance communication ), performance assessment , performance feedback , performance improvement , diagnosis and improvement of the system and other sections .

  11. 在方案设计中,本文按照绩效计划-绩效辅导-绩效评估-绩效沟通的绩效管理主线,并结合绩效指标和标准确立及绩效结果应用对绩效管理重塑方案的内容进行了详细的阐述。

    In this designing stage , the main clue of performance plan - performance training - performance appraisal - performance communication is carried out , and , by using the data of performance index , criterion definition and performance result , the content of the project is expounded in detail .

  12. 面向航天科研的绩效预算计划决策框架

    Performance Budget Planning Decisive Framework for Aerospace Research and Development

  13. 评价办事处业务人员,并协助制定和实施绩效改善计划。

    To formulate office quarterly , and monthly plans and forecasting programs ; 4 .

  14. 最后以中石油乌鲁木齐石化分公司下属二级企业为典型案例,结合定性与定量分析,对经营者提出绩效管理计划与报酬体系设计的建议方案。

    Based on the principle of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis , presents a set of method about performance management and reward system on executive of the enterprise .

  15. 该体系应包括工作要项、评估标准、评估面谈、绩效改进计划、培训计划及薪资安排等程序。

    The performance appraisal system has several procedures , namely major job , appraisal criterion , appraisal interview , performance improvement plans , training plans and salary administration .

  16. 符合资格的瑞信董事总经理和高管在2005年初获得的奖金中,有20%到50%是绩效激励计划奖,而非现金。

    The eligible Credit Suisse managing directors and executives were paid one-fifth to one-half of the bonuses they received in early 2005 in performance incentive plan awards rather than in cash .

  17. 教师们将竭力反对部长们在学校中实行绩效工资的计划。

    Teachers will fight Ministers ' plans to introduce performance-related pay in schools .

  18. 绩效管理包括计划绩效、监控绩效、评价绩效和反馈绩效四个方面。

    Performance includes plan performance , control performance , evaluation performance , and feedback performance .

  19. 通过项目管理理论运用促进公交业务流程的精细化,改变公交企业在项目建设过程粗放流程,明确项目实施过程中的最终目标绩效和项目计划的范畴。

    Besides , the application of project management theory can promote the refinement of public transport business process . The extensive-mode processes in public transport enterprises ' project construction are changed . The ultimate target performance and project planning scope in project implementation process are defined .

  20. 职责:1。分析店内行政绩效并跟进行动计划。

    Responsibilities : Analyzing store financial performance and follow up the action plan .

  21. 大公司都是通过管理制度运行的,这些制度涵盖预算与规划、绩效管理以及接班人计划等。

    Things get done in big firms through management processes & budgeting and planning , performance management , succession planning .

  22. 纠正措施是为了保证项目将来的绩效符合项目管理计划而提出并形成了文件的建议。

    Corrective actions are documented recommendations required to bring expected future project performance into conformance with the project management plan .

  23. 在职能部门内发展高绩效服务文化。计划,组织和指导高效和有效的职能部门。

    Develop a high performance service culture within the functional department . plan , organize and direct and efficient and effective functional department .

  24. 绩效管理包括绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断和辅导。

    PM is much broader concept which includes performance plan , performance communication , performance appraisal , performance diagnosis , and performance tutorship .

  25. 在安全控制中,职业伤害与疾病预防计划的部分内容是向人员提供包含安全培训、安全观测、绩效考核和激励计划的手册。

    Part of the scope of the IIPP is to provide personnel with a handbook containing information about safety training , safety observations , performance reviews , and incentive programs , among other safety controls .

  26. 预算管理的发展经历了传统预算、绩效预算、设计计划预算、零基预算、全面预算等几个阶段,全面预算管理概念的提出也经历了预算,预算管理,全面预算管理这样的演变过程。

    The development of budget management experiences several stages such as tradition budget , performance budget , planning programming budget , zero-base budget , and comprehensive budget . The conceptual of master budgeting management has also experienced budget , budget management , master budgeting management such evolution process .

  27. 本文所构建的辅导员绩效管理体系包括绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效考核、绩效反馈。

    The performance management system structured in this thesis , which consists of performance planning , performance communication , performance appraisal and performance feedback .

  28. 绩效管理过程应该包括绩效计划、绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效诊断和绩效结果应用五个阶段。

    Performance appraisal ; performance diagnose and performance result application .

  29. 从绩效管理准备工作、绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效实施、绩效反馈及绩效结果的分析使用几个环节进行讨论以构建科学的绩效管理体系。

    Scientific performance management system includes : performance preparing , performance planning , performance communicating , performance evaluation , feed backing , and result analyzing .

  30. 最后设计了绩效考核程序,包括绩效计划、绩效考核程序、绩效辅导、绩效沟通和绩效反馈与改进。

    At last , the paper gives out the final design of the performance appraisal program , including performance planning , performance appraisal program , performance counseling , performance communication and performance feedback and improvement .