
  • 网络Succession;heritance
  1. 方法:采用Q开关倍频Nd:YAG激光和强脉冲光联合治疗雀斑,进行疗效观察,并与继往单纯采用Q开关激光治疗的病例进行疗效对比研究。

    Methods Q-switched Nd : YAG laser combined with intense pulse light was used to treat freckles , and comparing the treatment effect with that treated simply Q-switched Nd : YAG laser before .

  2. 我们将一如继往为您服务!

    We will always service you well as time goes by !

  3. 但投资者对房地产领域的兴趣仍一如继往地高涨。

    But interest in real estate there remains as high as ever .

  4. 这一如继往地表明,印度缺乏领导力。

    This continues to show a lack of leadership on the part of India .

  5. 公司全体员工将一如继往地为新老客户提供服务。

    All the workers in the company will afford the best service to the consumers forever !

  6. 公司将一如继往:“尽最大的努力创优质安全的产品,用最好的服务满足顾客的期望”。

    Our company upholds the philosophy & manufacture products of high quality , satisfy customers with best services .

  7. 宝鑫彩钢将竭诚的、一如继往的为您服务,您的满意就是我们的成功。

    Xin Bao will be the best , as always , for your service , your satisfaction is our success .

  8. 结论:复发性口腔念珠菌病可能存在两方面病因:继往感染复发和/或再感染新菌株。

    Conclusion : There may be two reasons for the happening of recurrent oral candidiasis : recurrence and / or reinfection .

  9. 根据发病情况、临床症状及继往病史进行初步诊断后,再进行超声诊断。

    After the primary diagnosis according to the prevalence situation , clinical symptoms and previous disease history , the ultrasonic diagnosis was conducted .

  10. 继往开来,至域将一如继往地不断创新,追求完美,与广大客户共创辉煌的明天。

    Setting foot at present and looking into the future , Zhiyu will constantly innovate and seek perfection as before and create brilliant achievements together with you .

  11. 阿森纳队长经常被传闻要回到他的家乡踢球,但他依然一如继往的表达着对这家北伦敦俱乐部的忠诚。

    The Arsenal captain has been linked with a move back to his home country but has always steadfastly maintained his loyalty to the North London club .

  12. 今后我厂将一如继往地秉承“质量第一、客户至上、诚信经营”的企业宗旨,为广大客户提供更多更新款式的高质量产品。

    We will always stick to the tenet of Quality First , Customer First , and Credit First , focus on providing you with the best satisfactory products .

  13. 本公司将一如继往以“质量第一,用户至上”的宗旨,真诚的为广大客户提供精良的橡塑机械,纺织机械设备。

    The company will maintain the principal " Quality is first and customer is first " and provide the customers with excellent rubber and plastic machinery and textile equipments .

  14. 面对西学的强大冲击,在中国文化的出路何在的历史难题解答中,张君劢力倡在继往的基础上以求开民族文化之新。

    In the face of impact of west learning , Zhang jun-mai advocated new national culture based on traditional culture so as to find the new development of Chinese culture .

  15. 来到中国,我们将一如继往秉持严谨、创新、诚信、高效的企业精神,与广大客户携手共创辉煌。

    To come to China , we will always adhere to honesty , innovation , efficiency , the spirit of enterprise , and customers to join hands in creating brilliant .

  16. 公司将一如继往的以人为本,质量至上,服务第一,追求卓越,与新老客户一起携手合作,共同发展。

    The company will always , people-oriented , quality first , service first , the pursuit of excellence ; together with the new and old customers work together , common development .

  17. 公司一如继往地以务实、创新的企业精神,研发、生产出高、精、尖的医疗设备,为中国的医疗卫生事业作出贡献。

    It insists researches and develops , producing top level medical apparatus with the enterprising spirit of practical and innovated all the time , making contributions to health care industry of China .

  18. 公司将一如继往地坚持“质量第一、服务第一、信誉第一”的宗旨,谒诚为新老客户提供价格最低品质最好的卷板机!

    Will , as always , adhere to the " quality first , service first , credibility first ", We sincerely for the new and old customers with the best quality the lowest price machine !

  19. 继往栓塞事件、左室功能不全和左房扩大均以低流速组明显(P<0.05),而年龄、高血压病史、糖尿病病史在两组间未存在显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Previous embolic events , left atrial diameter dilatation and left ventricular dysfunction were common in group ⅰ than in group ⅱ ( P < 0.05 ), but no significant differences were observed in age , history of hypertension and diabetes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 华腾电子一继如往地,优质产品,合理价格、准时交货、优质服务于国内外客户。

    Huateng Electronic Co. , Ltd serves for client from domestic and overseas with its excellent product , reasonable price , timely delivery and excellent service .

  21. 他一旦有了足够的食物,便继续航行驶往菲律宾。

    As soon as he had sufficient provisions , he sailed on to the Philippines .

  22. 继二十年之往开新世纪之来&写在新世纪中国食品工业发展论坛召开之前

    Forum preview : The development of China 's food industry in the new century