
  • 网络secondary amenorrhea
  1. 腹针疗法治疗继发性闭经40例疗效观察

    The Observation on Abdominal Acupuncture Treating 40 Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea

  2. 腹腔镜对原发性闭经和继发性闭经的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of Laparoscopy for the primary and Secondary Amenorrhea

  3. 中西医结合治疗继发性闭经

    Therapy of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine for secondary menopause

  4. 联检血清性激素水平在继发性闭经中的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Combined Measurement of Serum Sex Hormones in Secondary Amenorrhea

  5. 150例继发性闭经患者的相关因素分析

    The Analysis of Correlative Factor of Secondary Amenorrhea Patients Through 150 Cases

  6. 结果(1)本组神经性厌食者均为女性,平均年龄(18.4±2.1)岁,病程1~6年。临床表现为厌食、严重营养不良和继发性闭经;

    Results Anorexia , serious malnutrition and secondary amenorrhea were the main clinical manifestations .

  7. 养血通经方治疗继发性闭经50例疗效观察

    Treatment of Secondary Amenorrhea by Yangxue Tongjing Fang : A Clinical Observation of 50 Cases

  8. 化学发光法检测性激素水平诊断继发性闭经

    Diagnosis of the secondary amenorrhea by chemiluminoimmunoassay

  9. 结论严重营养不良和继发性闭经为神经性厌食患者的主要临床表现,伴有多种内分泌功能紊乱,继发性闭经是显著体重下降和下丘脑垂体性腺轴功能紊乱共同作用的结果。

    Conclusion AN has multi endocrine disorders , accompanied with the serious malnutrition and secondary amenorrhea .

  10. 73例继发性闭经、月经稀发的临床和血清催乳素分析

    Evaluation of Clinical and Serum Profile of Secondary Amenorrhea and Oligomenorrhea : Report of 73 Cases

  11. 继发性闭经的实验诊断

    Laboratory Diagnosis of the Secondary Amenorrhea

  12. 补肾活血法治疗继发性闭经伴牙周病20例

    Treatment of 20 Cases of Secondary Amenorrhea Accompanied by Periodontal Diseases by Tonifying Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation

  13. 目的:探讨了继发性闭经患者血清性激素水平的变化和意义。

    Objective To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum sex hormones levels in patients with secondary amenorrhea .

  14. 中药人工周期治疗稀发月经和继发性闭经80例疗效观察

    Observation of therapeutic effect on 80 cases of oligohypomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea with artificial menstrual cycle with Chinese herbal medicine

  15. 方法:选择闭经患者139例(其中原发性闭经91例,继发性闭经48例),对其进行外周血淋巴细胞染色体检查。

    Methods : One hundred and thirty nine patients were selected in the study , 91 primary amenorrhea and 48 secondary amenorrhea .

  16. 近年,青春期继发性闭经的患者越来越多,引起各学者的重视。

    Recent years , the puberty secondary stopped menstruating the patient were getting more and more , brings to various scholars ' attention .

  17. 根据有无月经来潮可分为原发性闭经和继发性闭经,其中继发性闭经可占95%。

    According to whether menstrual cramps can be divided into primary amenorrhoea and secondary amenorrhea , including secondary amenorrhea can be occupied 95 % .

  18. 继发性闭经27例,异常核型3例,占11.11%。

    There are 27 cases of secondary amenorrhea , out of which 3 cases are of abnormal karyotype , abnormal rate is 11.11 % .

  19. 随着现代人生活方式的改变,例如减肥,过食快餐,人流的次数增加等,都是继发性闭经患者不断增加的原因。

    As modern lifestyle changes , such as losing weight , after eating fast food , poured more etc , are secondary amenorrhea patients increased reasons .

  20. 部分患者行卵巢活检,其中19例继发性闭经合并不孕患者行输卵管通液,观察输卵管通畅情况。

    Ovary biopsy was performed in some of the patients . The patency test of the fallopian tube was performed in 19 patients with secondary amenorrhea combined infertility .

  21. 不论是原发性和继发性闭经,其发生的原因既有共同之处也有不同之处。

    It is former hair sex and amenorrhoea of afterwards hair sex no matter , the account that its produce has collective place to also have different place already .

  22. 有统计表明以往月经正常而肥胖后发生月经异常的女子中,继发性闭经、月经稀少或过多等发生率为50%;

    Statistics have shown that obese and normal menstruation in the past after the women 's menstrual abnormalities , secondary amenorrhea , menstruation or too few , such as the incidence of50 % ;

  23. 方法对我院61例继发性闭经患者采用中药周期疗法氯米芬(中西组)及单用氯米芬(西药组)治疗,疗程4~6周。比较两者治疗的排卵率、排卵周期。

    Methods 61 patients with secondary menopause were treated with Chinese medicinal herbs plus clomiphene ( Chinese-West medicine group ) or clomiphene alone ( western medicine group ) for 4 ~ 6 weeks .

  24. 子宫发育不良临床常引发月经稀少、发或继发性闭经、经、孕、产等妇科疾病,严重影响女性的身心健康及降低生活质量。

    Hypoplasia of uterus frequently causes other gynecopathies such as scanty menstruation , primary or secondary amenorrhea , dysmenorrhea , sterility , abortion and so on , which has a torturing influence on women 's health and their living quality .

  25. Asherman综合征是继发于宫腔内创伤性手术引起的子宫腔部分或全部粘连,成为继发性闭经。不孕和反复流产的主要原因。

    Asherman 's syndrome , partial or complete intrauterine adhesions developed after trauma or inflammation , is one of the main causes of secondary amenorrhea , infertility and multiple pregnancy loss .