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tǒng gòu tǒng xiāo
  • state monopoly for purchase and marketing (of grain, cotton, etc);state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of;planned purchase and marketing by the state;controlled procurement and distribution;are purchased and marketed by the state in a unified way
统购统销 [tǒng gòu tǒng xiāo]
  • [state monopoly for purchase and marketing (of grain, cotton, etc)] 国家对某些有关国计民生的重要物资实行有计划的统一收购和销售

统购统销[tǒng gòu tǒng xiāo]
  1. 就是在开始实行统购统销的时候。

    At the time when the state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of grain was first instituted .

  2. 比如统购统销,一切城市人口和农村里头的缺粮户,我们都管。

    For instance , through the state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of grain we look after the entire urban population and all rural grain-deficient households .

  3. 粮食统购统销制度研究

    Study on Grain Policy of the Monopoly for Purchase and Marketing

  4. 对中国粮食统购统销制度的评价

    Comments on China 's centralized purchase and marketing on grain

  5. 统购统销是实行社会主义的一个重要步骤。

    It was an important measure for implementing socialism .

  6. 取消国家对农产品的统购统销

    To cancel the state 's monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural products

  7. 统购统销政策的取消与中国农村改革的深化

    The cancellation of state monopoly for purchase and marketing policy with Chinese countryside reform deepening

  8. 他上书育事,有信一封,也坚决反对统购统销。

    In a letter of petition he , too , firmly opposed this state monopoly .

  9. 贯彻落实过渡时期总路线是粮食统购统销政策出台的政治动因。

    The political motivation of introducing the monopoly for purchase and sale policy is implementing the general line of transition .

  10. 这次粮食购销危机为粮食统购统销政策出台提供了契机。

    Grain procurement crisis in 1953 gave the opportunity of the government introduced the policy of grain monopoly for purchase and sale .

  11. 1953-1985年,我国实行的是粮食统购统销制度。

    From 1953 to 1985 , China 's Grain Circulation System has experienced the system of State Monopoly for Purchase and Marketing .

  12. 土改、集体化、统购统销三大政策变动,直接影响了农民的生活和精神状态。

    The policy changes in Land reform , purchase and sale together and collectivization directly influenced the life and spirit of the farmers .

  13. 在统购统销和集体化题材的作品中,出现了许多“思想落后”或道德败坏的刁民形象,被剥夺了话语权的农民受到了双重欺凌。

    In the literature of collectivization and purchase and sale together , Writers created many image of farmers with draggle thinking and demoralization .

  14. 随着粮食流通体制改革的深入进行,粮食流通由统购统销转向市场开放。

    With the reform of the grain circulation system , grain circulation turns from the unified purchase and vendition to the open market .

  15. 统购统销与农村社会重构&以1953~1957年湖南省醴陵县为研究个案

    Unified Purchase and Sale and the Rural Social Reconstruction & A Case Study of Liling County in Hunan Province from 1953 to 1957

  16. 但是,随着统购统销运动的开展,中央逐渐认识到粮食统购统销动员的必要性。

    However , the central government gradually recognizes the importance of mobilization for grain purchase and sale along with the implementation of this campaign .

  17. 笔者利用丰富的档案资料和各种报刊资料,以粮食统购统销制度的形成过程及其在基层的实际运作为研究对象,对粮食统购统销政策在1953&1957年期间的实施情况进行了考察。

    The State Monopoly Policy for Grain Purchasing and Marketing during 1953-1957 was studied basing on enough and substantial files , newspapers and periodicals .

  18. 自1984年取消畜产品的统购统销制度以来,我国畜牧业发展迅速。

    Chinese animal husbandry has got a rapid development after canceling the Unified Purchase and Sale System on animal products and implementing market economy in 1984 .

  19. 而在实行统购统销政策之后,开始逐渐地由市场为导向转为国有垄断,由政府主导粮食市场。

    In the implementation of the state monopoly for purchase policies , the Shanghai food supplies began market-oriented to a state-owned monopoly led by the Government .

  20. 合作社体制没有根本解决粮食短缺问题,却为粮食的统购统销提供了组织保障;

    Cooperative System has not been fundamentally resolved the food shortage , but provided organizational security for the grain circulation system of State Monopoly for Purchase and Marketing ;

  21. 经过大辩论,群众明白了统购统销的重要性,清楚了支持统购统销就是支持国家建设。

    After heated debates , the masses understand the importance of the purchase and sale , knowing that supporting the purchase and sale is to support the national construction .

  22. 本文以河南唐河县为中心,对1953-1957年间粮食统购统销政策在农村地区得以推行的组织系统加以考察。

    Focused on Tanghe county , the author reviewed the organizations by which the Policy for Grain Unified Purchase and Sale was carried out in the rural areas in1953-1957 .

  23. 上海粮食供应在统购统销政策之前,除公粮以外的粮食市场与供应主要以市场为基准,允许自由购销。

    Before the state monopoly for purchase and marketing policies , the Shanghai food supplies came from grain market and supply market benchmark , allowing free purchase and sale .

  24. 因为党的粮食统购统销政策和合作化政策,使得农民的生产积极性降低了;

    That the Party 's policy of state monopoly for the purchase and marketing of grain and its policy on co-operation were dampening the peasants ' enthusiasm for production ;

  25. 尤其是国家通过统购统销制度将农业社的大部分剩余都拿走之后,已很难在农业社内部对劳动投入形成有效的激励。

    Especially , after the government had levied most of surplus of production team through regulatory systems , it became difficult to establish effective incentive mechanism aiming at labor input .

  26. 中国旧的计划经济体制特征是:对产品统购统销、对资金计划调拨、对劳动力严格管制。

    China 's old planned economic structure featured the purchase and marketing of products in a unified way , planned allocation of capital , and the strict control of labor force .

  27. 统购统销政策的出台,与1953年粮食危机的出现、过渡时期总路线的贯彻有密切的关联。

    The promulgation of the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain was closely related to the grain crisis in1953 and the implementation of the general line for the transitional period .

  28. 基层党政机构、社会组织与粮食统购统销政策的推行&以1953-1957年的河南唐河县为中心

    Gross Roots Organizations of the CPC and the Government and the Society and the Implementation of the Policy for Grain Unified Purchase and Sale & A Case Study of Tanghe County in 1953-1957

  29. 上海的粮食计划供应是国家整体计划的一部分,国家统购统销政策的出台直接导致了上海粮食计划供应制度的生成。

    Shanghai Food plan supply is the part of National whole plan , The enaction of the Central Purchase and Supply of Grain directly resulted in the creation of Shanghai Food plan supply system .

  30. 我国计划经济时期政府制定的粮食统购统销价格是国家垄断价格,其中统购价格是买方垄断价格,统销价格是卖方垄断价格。

    The government-formulated price for grain purchasing and marketing during the Planned Economy Period is state monopoly price , of which the purchasing price is buyer-monopoly price and the marketing price , seller 's monopoly price .