
  • 网络never die alone;To kill a Jaguar;The Proud
  1. 中国非常强大,在灾难面前绝不低头。

    China is very stronger , he never give up when meet disaster .

  2. 第一课,面对拒绝,绝不低头!

    Lesson number one - never take " No " for an answer !

  3. 他们保证绝不向困难低头。

    They pledged themselves not to bow before difficulties .

  4. 据她的朋友们说,希拉里私下里对她丈夫勃然大怒,然而她决定他俩绝不向政敌低头。

    She is said by friends to be utterly furious with her husband in private but determined that they should not give in to his political enemies .