
The liver has a nodular contour with hypertrophic caudate lobe , suggestive of liver cirrhosis .
Poorly defined diffusing small nodules .
Intracystic nodules were found in 5 cases , linear contrast enhancement on cystic wall was seen in 1 case .
Cases are hematoma , the biggest diameter is 4 cm , in which 1 case also coexist lung contuse .
The imaging performance is generally the anterior mediastinal irregular mass with lower central density , usually accompanied with metastatic lung nodules .
Results Chest X-ray examinations show Increased brochovascular shadows in6 cases , multi patchy clouding opacity in2 cases and reticulonodular shadow in1 case .
Results : The pneumonogram of silicosis were the lung diffusionly distribute dots and small nodes , and its characteristics finding was silicotic nodule .
During the shore period of observation , carcinoma node , dimension of the cavity , thickness of the cavity wall and volume of liquid in the cavity have dynamic changes .
Incomplete solidity necrosis occured in 18 cases among 57 ( 31.6 % ), The contrast-enhanced CT scanning showed that some enhances nodule appeared in the areas of necrosis in the early stage of enhance .
Six cases with fungal pneumonia : 4 cases were pulmonary aspergillosis , in which 2 cases displayed mutiple-slice shadow with cavity formation and 1 case displayed mutiple - tubercle shadow and 1 case displayed single conglomerate shadow .
Lesions of most pulmonary cryptococcosis always distributed in the outskirt of lung , close to the pleura and often appeared in posterior basal segment of both lung . multiple nodules or patches were the predominant pattern of chest CT .
Lesions of 31 ( 81.6 % ) pulmonary cryptococcosis distributed in the outskirt of lung , close to the pleura and often appeared in posterior basal segment of both lung ( left 50.0 % , right 42.1 % ) . Multiple nodules or patches accounted for 50 % .
Results The appearances of breast cancer in CT were irregular mass or nodosity with lobular and spiculate boundary , distorted glands and higher density than normal glands .
The manifestations of breast cancer on CT were as follows : round or irregular mass , lobulated or spiculated margin , disordered glandular architecture , involvement of local skin , and deformed fatty space .
On chest film , the lesion presented as lobulated nodule attached to hilar region with abnormal vessels . The diagnostic sensitivity of this sign was 79.3 % ( 23 / 29 ) .
Results All the positive rate was 86.8 % . Among those preparations the positive rate of tubercle , spot shadow and caverna shadow were 96.1 % , 80 % and 57.1 % .
The Diagnostic Value of Lucency Shadow in Pulmonary Nodule on CT
Objective To study the CT Features of lucency shadow in lung nodules and its diagnostic significance .
Results : Lung large cell cancer usually appears as a well-defined ( 72.7 % ) and lobulated ( 72.7 % ) single mass or nodule without fat density .
Objective To study the diagnostic value of lucency shadow in pulmonary nodules .
Multi focal masses or nodules ;
Signs of interstitial lesions : including interstitial nodule , reticular shadow , reticular-nodule shadow , kerley 's line and enlarged the shadow of the bind of bronchi and blood vessels , etc.
Results According to X-ray signs this group of disease could be classified as follows : ① Signs of parenchymal lesions : including acinus nodule , small patchy , large patchy , butter-fly sign and air-bronchogram .
Eleven cases with pulmonary tuberculosis : 6 cases of miliary pulmonary tuberculosis displayed diffuse small heightened density tubercle shadow in bilateral lung field . 5 cases displayed simple slice infiltrative focus .
Increasing the slice thickness , adding the reconstruction interval , and the nodule being too small or closing together pneumo-vessels , hilum of lung , para-mediastina and diaphram all can make some nodules being un-detected ;
Nodular type focuses congregate and fused into node , density of the nodular shadow bad - distributed , vesical low - density shadow showed ;