
  1. 国际货币秩序(InternationalMonetaryOrder)是国际经济金融交易过程中最根本的制度安排,包括通货制度、储备结算制度与汇率制度三个方面。

    International Monetary Order is one of the most important institutions in international trade and finance , including currency institution , reserve institution and exchange rate institution .

  2. 按照支付结算制度的规定签发银行汇票;

    Issue bank bills as per payment and settlement rules concerned ;

  3. 论证券结算制度的设计与实施(下)

    Securities Clearing System : Design and Implementation (ⅱ);

  4. 我国证券登记结算制度及其影响分析

    An Analysis of China 's Securities Registration & Settlement System , as Well as Its Impact

  5. 每日直接付款的结算制度

    Direct debit daily settlement system

  6. 可以说没有票据以及相应的票据结算制度,就不可能有票据犯罪。

    We can say that without commercial bill and relative commercial bill settlement system , without commercial bill crime .

  7. 按照支付结算制度的规定审核支付结算凭证和填制有关凭证;

    As per payment and settlement rules , check and review vouchers of payment and settlement , and complete vouchers concerned ;

  8. 我国当前人民群众看病贵的主要原因是医疗费用结算制度不合理。

    The main reason of more and more expensive medical expenditure in our country is the irrational settlement regulation in medical service .

  9. 在国内,迄今为止,尚未有学者对终止净额结算制度进行过真正系统的深入研究,因而具有一定的创新性和开创性。

    So far close-out netting has not been really researched in China , and therefore this is a unique and new topic for research .

  10. 微观上要求衍生金融工具的市场主体规范自身行为和交易策略,建立内部风险管理机制,增强交易透明度,强化安全的结算制度以控制衍生金融风险。

    And marketing bodies should standardize activities and operating strategies from the view of the enterprises in order to control the risk of derivative financial instruments .

  11. 终止净额结算制度作为一项合同条款安排,其设计功能和巨大价值能否实现,取决于其在法律上是否始终是有效的、可执行的。

    Close-out netting being a contractual arrangement , realization of its designed function and value very much depends on whether it is always legally valid and enforceable .

  12. 因此,每日结算制度不仅仅应基于个别资产的特性,还应基于每个机构的负债久期。

    Thus , mark-to-market rules should be based not only on the character of individual assets , but also on the duration of the liabilities of each institution .

  13. 我国现行的公务卡制度是以国库集中支付制度为基础,以公务卡为载体的一种新型财务结算制度。

    The current official card system in our country is a new financial settlement system which is based on centralized treasury payment system and supported by official card .

  14. 按照支付结算制度和协议的规定,对代理行签发银行汇票、资金移存以及印、押、证安全管理情况进行检查;

    As per payment and settlement rules , check bank bills issued by agency bank , transfer of funds , and security management of stamp , encryption and vouchers ;

  15. 由此,提出了缩小“数字鸿沟”需要国际社会共同建立公平合理的因特网国际互联结算制度的建议。

    Thus , the suggestion is put forward that a reasonable settlement system of Internet interconnection should be established by the international society to dwindle " the digital divide " .

  16. 大学生医疗保障制度探讨基本医疗保险资金的付费结算制度以及农村医疗保障等问题。

    Discussing on medical insurance system for university students and continuous improvement of rural medical security through increasing the universality , accessibility , portability , and flexibility of medical services .

  17. 终止净额结算制度包括两个核心部分,一是提前终止合同交易的权利,即终止权;二是终止后对各交易盈亏头寸进行净额计算或净额处理的安排,即净额结算。

    Close-out netting mechanism has two core components ; one is the right to terminate the transaction , i.e. termination right , the other is to net the termination amounts , i.e. netting .

  18. 巴西的银行结算制度目前以实时方式运作,因此所有银行在任何时刻都能掌握自己的现金状况,而央行则掌控各银行实时情况的总图。

    The country 's bank-settlement system now operates in real time , so all banks know their cash positions at any given moment and the central bank has an overall picture of what is happening .

  19. 向被代理行购置被代理行的银行汇票凭证、银行汇票专用章、编押机具,并按照支付结算制度和被代理行的要求,实行严格的安全管理;

    Obtain bank bill vouchers , special stamp for bank bill and encryption device from the principal bank ; and , as per payment and settlement rules and requirements of the principal bank , implement strict security management ;

  20. 介绍实行内部转账结算制度能有效的协调、控制企业的资金,建立企业正常的结算秩序,可保证企业结算资金安全;降低企业融资成本、财务费用,笔者结合工程实例予以说明。

    Internal transfer and settlement system can effectively regulate and control funds , establish normal settlement procedure , ensure the security of settlement fund and reduce financing cost and financial expenses , thus creating higher profits for the enterprise .

  21. 资金集中结算:制度完善与风险控制

    The Institutional Puzzle and Innovation of Funds Settlement

  22. 根据交易组织形式的不同,债券市场一般有场内债券市场与场外债券市场之分,这两种不同模式债券市场的交易、托管和结算等制度安排存在明显的差异。

    Generally , bond market can be divided into two different markets by trading modes , namely , exchange market and over-the - counter market .

  23. 场外金融衍生交易净额结算法律制度研究成员不得借本条第4款至第8款的规定拒绝谈判或拒绝缔结双边或多边协议。

    The provisions of paragraphs 4 through 8 below shall not be used by a Member to refuse to conduct negotiations or to conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements .

  24. 现有股指期货交易中的风险防范制度主要有:保证金制度;价格限制相关制度;持仓限额制度和大户报告制度;强制平仓制度;结算联保制度和风险准备金制度;风险警示制度。

    Currently , the stock index futures in the risk prevention system are : deposit system ; price limit related systems ; position limits system and large reporting system ; forced open system ; settlement system and the risk of UNPROFOR reserve system ; risk warning system .

  25. 证券客户交易结算资金存管制度与监管体系研究

    Study on Securities Clients ' Capital Depository and Supervising System

  26. 现金结算与实物交割制度相比,能够使期货价格与现货价格更具有趋同性;

    There is more consistant between the futures price and actuals price on cash settlement .

  27. 一个国家或地区结算体系和结算制度成熟与否直接关系到整个期货市场效率的高低和功能的发挥。

    Whether the clearing system of a nation or region mature or not directly related to the efficiency and function of the overall futures market .

  28. 我国期货市场已建立起严密的交易、结算及风险控制制度,交易所拥有先进的交易系统、结算系统以及科学的管理制度、管理方式,这些都从制度与技术上保证股指期货的推出。

    In risk management of stock index futures , the means of price 's stabilization , the ways of avoid of market manipulation , the clearing member and market margin system and so on have been put in operation .

  29. 笔者发现过帐制度实现了近代中国金融机构&钱庄的开立帐户和同城票据交换结算的技术和制度的突破,以致社会货币供给量得到扩张。

    I found posting system to achieve the modern Chinese financial institutions & banking house of a city to open accounts and clearing system for settlement of technology and breakthroughs in , so that the community may be expanded money supply .

  30. 期货结算风险的大小,影响的范围受到期货结算制度、期货交易机制、结算银行体系,投资者交易行为,以及外部法律环境等多方面因素的制约。

    The level and influence scope of settlement risk are subjected to future settlement system , transaction mechanism , settlement bank system , investor behavior and exterior environments .