
  • 网络bearing shoot;bearing branch, bearing shoot;bearing branch
  1. 树体磷素含量水平与板栗雌、雄花枝比例和结果枝结栗苞数量也存在密切的相关性。

    P content level in chestnut tree is closedly to the rate of pistillate shoots / staminate shoots , and bur numbers per fruit bearing shoot .

  2. 果树树体上结果枝数量和花芽形成是果树丰产的基础。

    The number of bearing branch and flower bud differentiation is the basis of the fertility of the fruit trees .

  3. P、B肥是影响长、中、短结果枝产量比例的主要肥料。

    The primary fertilizer effecting yield ration of middle , long and short fruit branches were P , B fertilizers .

  4. 叶片饲喂~(32)P、~(86)Rb在葡萄结果枝各部分的分配随果实发育时期有显著差异。

    Distribution proportion of fruit of 32P in the bearing branch of grape varied with different stages of fruit development .

  5. 增施N肥对提高落叶后一年生结果枝枝条内N元素的贮存呈显著影响,且随着施N量的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。

    Adding N fertilizer improved the N content of the branches significantly , and showed a trend that increased and then decreased with the increasing of N application .

  6. 枣结果枝cDNA文库的构建与部分ESTs分析

    Construction and Partial ESTs Analysis of a cDNA Library for Fruit-bearing Shoot in Ziziphus jujuba

  7. 植物生长调节剂对板栗花芽性别分化及结果枝生长的影响

    Effects of Growth Regulators on Flower Sex Differentiation of Chinese Chestnut

  8. 板栗新品种云丰结果枝粗度、结苞量及坚果重量的研究

    Study on Diameter of Fruit Branch , Number and Weight of Fruit of Chestnut

  9. 对油茶结果枝和非结果枝上不同叶龄叶片部分生理指标进行测定,结果表明,结果枝当年生叶片面积较小,叶绿素含量和光合速率处于较低水平;

    Determination was made on Some physiological indexes of leaf blade of Camellia oleifera .

  10. 轻度遮光对温室油桃结果枝光合碳同化物积累和分配的影响

    Effect of slight shading on accumulation and partitioning of carbon assimilation in fruit-bearing limb of greenhouse-grown nectarine

  11. 成龄树延长枝有2个生长高峰,结果枝有1个生长高峰。

    Extending shoots have two growing peaks and fruit shoots have one growing peak in a year .

  12. 冬季结果枝不同修剪量对果梅生长结果的影响

    Effect of Different Pruning Degrees of Winter Bearing Branches of Japanese Apricot on its Growth and Bearing

  13. 以黄土旱原成龄杏树为试材,系统地研究了不同年龄结果枝组的生长结果特性。

    The growth and fruiting capacity of the reproductive branch complex at different ages has been systematically studied .

  14. 选择结果枝高度低的植株对种子产量改良有益;

    It is logical to select plants with lower height of bearing branches for the improvement of seed yield .

  15. 物候期相对稳定,萌芽率和结果枝率高;

    ( c ) Its phenologic stage was relatively steady and the rate of budding and yielding branches were high .

  16. 3年生板栗树结果枝率分别为95.7%和92.5%;

    The twig fruiting rate for the two varieties at the third year is 95.7 % and 92.5 % respectively .

  17. 冬季果梅结果枝不同疏除量,会影响其新梢生长及产量。

    Different pruning degree of winter bearing branches of Japanese apricot will influence the growth and productivity of the new shoots .

  18. 生长枝与结果枝嫁接苗造林能使树体矮化,但以生长枝嫁接苗造林成活率和保存率较高。

    Grafted seedlings from growing and bearing branch could lower the tree , and that from growing branch had higher planting survival rate .

  19. 山葡萄新品种北冰红结果枝摘心不同留叶数对果实品质和产量的影响

    Effect of Different Leaves Pinching of Bearing Branches on Fruit Quality and Yield in New Variety " Beibinghong " of Vitis amurensis Rupr

  20. 主栽品种双红、双优和左优红的果实品质和产量,对结果枝进行了不同留叶数的摘心试验。

    Experiment was carried out by pinching of bearing branches for increasing yield and improving fruit quality of three varieties of Vitis Amurensis Rupr .

  21. 花束状结果枝、短果枝占全树枝数的70%,其上完全花比例高。

    70 % branches are bunch flower fruiting branches and short fruiting branches , both of them have more sound flowers than long fruiting branches .

  22. 对密植栗园采用不同的修剪措施,可有效地控制树冠过早郁闭,增加有效结果枝量,使产量稳定在230~240kg/666.7m2。

    Canopy was effectively controlled from early closing . The number of valid fruiting shoot increased . The yield was stabilized at230 ~ 240kg / 666.7m 2 .

  23. 在雄花分化期和雌花分化期,抽生结果枝的芽均以亚精胺含量变化幅度最大,腐胺次之,精胺最小。

    During the period of male flowers and female flowers differentiation , changes of Spd content were the largest , Put the second , and Spm the smallest .

  24. 花量大,每结果枝平均着花为8朵,但平均落花率高达82.7%。

    The amount of flowers was large , and 8 buds were inserted averagely in one branch , but the rate of flower abscission was about 82.7 % .

  25. 增加有叶结果枝数量,有利于脐橙着果率的提高。叶片的过氧化氢酶活性与座果率呈负相关。

    The number of bearing shoots with leaves was positively related to fruit setting rate . It showed the negative correlation between the catalase activity and fruit - bearing rate .

  26. 利用新生枣头分流营养,抑制枣股萌发,培养的结果枝组质量高,丰产稳产。

    By means of dividing nutrition flow using new shoot to repress germination of the fruiting sections , the developed fruiting branch sections have high quality and high and stable yield .

  27. 但是,不同元素之间,结果枝与发育枝之间以及丰产树与低产树之间,变化规律有所差异。

    However , among the various elements and between the vegetative and bearing shoots , trees with high production and those with low production , the regularity of changes were different .

  28. 研究表明,产生果实大小不一致现象分别与结果枝的叶片数(或看作长度)与粗度呈正相关,与果实可溶性固形物含量呈负相关,受果实着生状态的影响。

    The difference between fruits , which is affected by fruit growth status , is positively correlative to leaf number and diameter of fruit branch , and negatively to soluble solid contents .

  29. 保存率、生长量、结果枝数、结果枝比等生长指标也都存在明显差异;

    The difference of some growth indexes such as survival rate , biomass , the number of branches with fruits and the ratio of genital branches to the total branches are remarkable ;

  30. 2个品种采用5-4-3-2-1摘心法较常规方法结果枝率分别提高51.9%、28.6%;

    By using 5-4-3-2-1 shoot pinching method , the ratio of fruiting shoots to non-fruiting shoots in both cultivars was increased by 51.9 % and 28.6 % compared with the general pinching method .