
jié chánɡ jìnɡ jiǎn chá
  • Colonoscopy examination;coloscopy
  1. 低剂量异丙酚辅助结肠镜检查的麻醉效果观察

    Anaesthetic effect of lower dosage of Propofol on coloscopy Anaesthesia Monitoring

  2. 了解结肠镜检查病人的疼痛程度和焦虑水平。

    Objective : To know pain degree and anxiety of patients underwent coloscopy .

  3. 显然,是病人B。他的结肠镜检查时间较长,

    Clearly , Patient B suffered more -- his colonoscopy was longer ,

  4. CT仿真结肠镜检查结直肠息肉的方法

    Detection of Colorectal Polyp with CT Virtual Colonoscopy

  5. CT仿真结肠镜检查猪结肠模拟息肉的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Simulated Polyp in Pig Colon : Detection with CT Virtual Colonoscopy

  6. 令人惊讶的是病人A对结肠镜检查的记忆比病人B还糟糕。

    The surprise is that Patient A had a much worse memory of the colonoscopy than Patient B.

  7. 方法采用基于结肠镜检查的病例对照研究,应用Logistic回归对大肠癌相关变量进行单因素和多因素分析。

    Methods With a colonoscopy-based case-control study , logistic regression model was used for univariate and multivariate analysis of colorectal cancer .

  8. 结肠镜检查在CD的诊断中起关键作用,病变单独累及小肠时可采用小肠钡灌/胃肠钡餐或胶囊内镜、双气囊推进式小肠镜等检查方法以及早发现病灶。

    Early diagnosis of small bowel CD can be made by enteroclysis / gastrointestinal barium meal , capsule endoscopy or double-balloon push enteroscopy .

  9. 目的探讨CT仿真结肠镜检查(CTvirtualcolonoscopy,CTVC)猪结肠模拟息肉的敏感性。

    Objective To explore the sensitivity of simulated polyp detection with CT virtual colonoscopy ( CTVC ) in pig colon .

  10. 2002年的今天,美国总统乔治·W·布什在做结肠镜检查时,调用第25修正案,临时将其权力转移给副总统迪克·切尼。

    2002-President George W.Bush chose to invoke the25th amendment , temporarily transferring his powers to Vice President Dick Cheney while Bush underwent a colonoscopy .

  11. 于结肠镜检查前半小时抽血测定其血清雌二醇(estradiol,E2)水平。

    Blood was taken half an hour before colonoscopy for determining the serum estradiol ( E2 ) level .

  12. 结肠镜检查是美国筛查结直肠癌(CRC)的主要和首选检查方式。

    Colonoscopy is the dominant and preferred screening modality for colorectal cancer ( CRC ) in the US .

  13. 结论结肠镜检查结合黏膜染色及活检组织病理学检查对UC的诊断具有重要价值。

    Conclusion Colonoscopy , together with chromoendoscopy and pathological examination play an important role in the diagnosis of UC .

  14. 口服磷酸钠与聚乙二醇电解质液在结肠镜检查前肠道准备中应用的Cochrane系统评价

    Oral Sodium Phosphate Versus Polyethylene Glycol-electrolyte Lavage Solution for Colonoscopy Preparation : a Cochrane Systematic Review

  15. 目的本文研究的目的是前瞻性评价胃肠道损伤性出血引起的缺铁性贫血。方法61例IDA患者经上消化道内镜(EGD)和结肠镜检查符合本研究标准。

    Abstract AIMS Iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) caused by gastrointestinal tract bleeding was prospectively evaluated for gastrointestinal lesions .

  16. 随着结肠镜检查和肠黏膜病理活检技术的发展,其使用价值也在不断提高,尤其是对UC癌前期病变的追踪有重大意义。

    With the development of colonoscopy and pathologic technology of mucous membrane biopsy , the using value also improves constantly , especially the great significance to trace cancer prophase lesion .

  17. FDA就口服磷酸钠(OSP)产品宣布了新的安全措施,OSP用于结肠镜检查和其他程序前的肠道清洗。

    FDA is announcing new safety measures for oral sodium phosphate ( OSP ) products used for bowel cleansing before colonoscopies and other procedures .

  18. 目的测定纤维结肠镜检查术患者靶控输注异丙酚的半数有效血浆靶浓度(EC50)。

    Objective To determine the effective target plasma propofol concentration required to prevent the response to fibercolonoscope examination in 50 % of patients ( EC50 ) .

  19. 毫无疑问,全世界的肠胃病学家都会感谢EmmanuelBen-Soussan和MichelAntonietti,因为他们的研究给出了医生该如何进行结肠镜检查的推荐,从而让他们的病人发生气体爆炸的可能性降至最低。

    Gastroenterologists throughout the world will no doubt thank Emmanuel Ben-Soussan and Michel Antonietti for recommending ways that they can minimize patient ' gas explosions while the docs perform colonoscopies .

  20. 目的探讨结肠镜检查在诊断异基因造血干细胞移植(allo&HSCT)后肠道移植物抗宿主病(GI-GVHD)和巨细胞病毒(CMV)肠炎中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of colonoscopy in diagnosis of gastrointestinal graft - versus-host disease ( GI-GVHD ) and cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) colitis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( allo-HSCT ) .

  21. 方法60例老年患者,年龄平均71岁,通过结肠镜检查,非抬举征(non-liftingsign)阳性入选为EMR适应证,46例病变<2cm行一次性切除;

    [ Methods ] 60 cases of elderly patient , average age 71 years old , pass the colonoscopy check . The non - lifting sign positive to select to cure the indications for the EMR , 46 lesion < 2 cm implement to cut off ;

  22. 同时讨论了DC-BE和结肠镜检查对结肠息肉的早期发现早期切除的重要意义和结肠息肉被误诊的原因。

    Importance of colonic polypoid was discussed for early discovering and early resecting by the DC-BE and colonoscopy , and the cause of it was missed .

  23. 结论咪达唑仑0.06mg/kg和丙泊酚1.0mg/kg作为首次剂量用于结肠镜检查,检查中适时追加丙泊酚镇静深度,镇静效果满意且安全。

    Conclusions Fundamental sedation with intravenous midazolam at 0.06 mg / kg and propofol at 1.0 mg / kg can be applied for colonoscopy . A bonus of 20 ~ 30 mg propofol , if necessary , during the procedure is effective and safe .

  24. 轻松音乐联合阿托品在结肠镜检查中的应用价值

    The Effect of Relaxation Music and Atropine on Patients During Colonoscopy

  25. 结果所有病例术前均行直、乙状结肠镜检查,并活检,其中5例术前确诊为直肠类癌。

    Results The rectoromanoscopy and biopsy were taken in all patients .

  26. 纤维结肠镜检查指导先天性巨结肠结肠灌洗的研究

    Study of Coloclyster for Congenital Megacolon under the Guidance of Fibrocolonoscope

  27. 纤维结肠镜检查结肠疾病650例分析

    The Analysis 650 cases of colon disease with fiber colon scopy

  28. 对照组:行常规的纤维结肠镜检查。

    In the control group , routine fibro colonoscopy was performed .

  29. 全结肠镜检查是提高诊断率的重要手段。

    Complete colonoscopy is an important means to improve diagnostic rate .

  30. 无痛性结肠镜检查在心血管患者中的临床应用

    Clinical application of colonoscopy anaesthesia painlessly on patients with cardiovascular disease