
  • 网络business forecasting;business forecast;Operating forecast
  1. 企业经营预测审计探讨

    Exploring the audit of business operation forecasting

  2. 建筑企业的经营预测与决策的概念、作用、程序和技术方法;

    The management of the building enterprise predicts the concept , function , procedure and technological method with decision ;

  3. 先秦时期的经济管理思想,大体可概括为:观时待乏、贵贱极反的经营预测方略;

    The Economic Management Thought before Qin Dynasty Generally May Summarized as : Management Forecast Strategy of Expensive and Cheap ;

  4. 同时,通过改造投资估算和项目经营预测,论证了酒店升五星改造项目的经济可行性。

    In addition , the economic feasibility of hotel upgraded transformation was also discussed by investment estimation and prediction of project management .

  5. 第五章生产经营预测,主要运用回归分析的方法,作出了总产量、总成本、总收益的回归方程,以便于对将来做出预测;

    Chapter 5 tries to find out the regression equations of gross output , total cost and gross income to estimate the future values .

  6. 中国上市公司经营状况预测的Markov模型

    The Markov model about forecasting the management state of Chinese listed company

  7. 论述了情报预测的重要性,重点介绍了工业、企业经营管理预测、技术预测和宏观经济预测的重要内容及常用方法。

    The paper discusses the importance of intelligence forecast . The point is the introduction of the forecast of macroeconomy .

  8. 目前,学习效应主要应用于生产性的企业,对生产性企业降低成本、有效经营、预测方面起到重要作用。

    Learning effect is currently mainly used in productive enterprises and plays an significant role in costs reduction , management efficiency and forcast .

  9. 年度报告是公司管理层提交给股东的法定文件,用于披露公司在过去一年里的业绩,并对来年的经营做出预测。

    ARs are legally required documents submitted to the stockholders by the management , which discloses information on corporate performance during the previous year and forecasts the operations of the coming year .

  10. 同时,对采用预测的模型、结果,进行卷烟需求价格弹性、收入弹性等深层次分析,并对卷烟经营、预测提出了建议。

    At the same time , with using the results predicted , it analyzes the elasticity of demand for cigarette , such as income elasticity and price elasticity , and brings up advice about the marketing of cigarette and forecasting of cigarette demand .

  11. 对中国石油的价值评估而言,油价、资本加权成本及企业经营前景预测都存在很大的不确定性,这些参数的选择又对估值结果产生很大的影响,因而需要对这些参数重点予以考虑。

    In terms of " Petrochina " value assessment , the choice of the parameters , such as the oil price , capital weighted cost and enterprise operation prospect prediction that have great uncertainty , will have great influence on the result of value assessment . They require more consideration .

  12. 体育赛事经营与效益预测

    Study on management and benefit forecast of competition

  13. 而绝对估值法则是是通过对企业历年经营状况来预测企业的内在价值。

    The absolute valuation method is through the enterprise management status to predict the intrinsic value of the enterprise .

  14. 从时间上划分为基于历史数据驱动因素分解和对未来经营年度进行预测。

    By time it is divided into driving factors based on historical data and forecast of the business year in the future .

  15. 在经营层面,预测市场需求准确性差和订货周期长,市场响应度低,库存严重;

    In the aspect of operation , uncertainty of predicted market demands and long-term product order , low market response , and serious overstock ;

  16. 该模型已成功地应用于企业经营目标的预测,为制定合理的主生产计划提供了第一手数据。

    This method has already been applied successfully to enterprise prediction of operation objectives and the firsthand data for making a rational main production schedule was obtained .

  17. 广告经营管理人员预测,在今后的几年里,美国广告将会变得更像低俗的拉丁美洲和欧洲广告。

    Ad executives predict that American ads are going to look a lot more like the risque Latin American and European ads in the next few years .

  18. 此外,通过使用本软件进行森林经营和林分预测,将有助于对林地进行评价,在造林投资方面也有一定的参考价值。

    In addition , this software will Contribute to forest land evaluation and there is a certain reference value in investment of afforestation if this software be used for forest management and forest forecast .

  19. 投资者在进行投资决策时,常常会根据企业的历史经营业绩来预测企业未来的盈利能力,判断投资的风险和收益。

    The trajectory of the operational performance looks like an inverted V. Investors , while making investment decisions , often use historical performance data to predict the future profitability of the company , and thus determine the risks and benefits of the investment .

  20. 在对宏观政策环境、微观经营实践活动的预测估价基础上,设计出欠发达地区基层国有商业银行走出经营困境的路径和方法。

    And through forecasting and evaluation about macrocosmic policy environment and microcosmic practice to project a way which can let the grass-roots national Commerce Banks step out of their straits .

  21. 财务分析能力是指搜集各种财务信息,借以评价单位的财务状况及其经营成果,并预测未来,提供决策依据的能力。

    The competency for financial analysis refers to collecting financial information from different channels , to estimate the financial situations of a unit and its operating achievements , and to furnish the decision-making grounds for the future prediction .

  22. 财务预警是现代企业经营中的重要预测系统之一,它可以帮助企业通过对各项财务指标的分析提前发现财务危机,及时对企业经营策略进行调整。

    Forecasting of financial crisis is one of the most important forecasting systems in enterprise management , which can help the enterprise find financial crisis in advance through analyzing each financial index , then adjust the management strategy in time .

  23. 第四步,在业务分析的基础上,结合对调整后财务报表的参考和分析,对一汽轿车的未来经营状况进行了预测,得到有关参数的预测值。

    The fourth step , base on the business analysis and the reference of the adjusted financial reports , we reasonable estimated the future operating performances of FAW Car Co. , Ltd. and then obtained the predictive value of relevant parameters .

  24. 应从完善商业银行绩效评价指标体系和绩效评价方法入手,为商业银行经营管理提供有效的信息测度和经营预测。

    We should perfect the index system of performance evaluation and the method of commercial bank in order to provide effective information measure and management forecast for its business .

  25. 文章主要分析了边际贡献法在企业短期生产经营决策中的应用,为企业做出正确的生产经营预测和决策提供资料和依据。

    This thesis mainly analyses the application of the contribution margin means in a short time on the enterprise production and management decision-making , and offers the information and gist for the correct production and management prediction and decision-making of an enterprise .