
jīnɡ jì jié ɡòu
  • economic structure;economy
  1. 进经济结构会有所支持。消费也需要继续增长。为保证经济高质量增长,可支配收入占GDP的比重以及新增就业数量也需要增加。”

    omy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones , and an improving economic structure will support it . Consumption needs to keep rising . The percentage of disposable income in GDP and the number of new jobs created also need to rise to ensure high-quality growth . "

  2. 经济结构和区域布局继续优化

    The economic structure continued to improve , and the development priorities of regions are better aligned

  3. 实行能源和资源消耗总量和强度的双控是促进经济结构调整和环境保护的必要手段。

    Controlling both the quantity and intensity2 of energy and resources consumption is necessary to promote adjustment of the economic structure and protect the environment .

  4. 实行高中免费义务教育,对我们现在的经济结构调整转型、特别是投资拉动也有重要作用。

    Establishing free education in high schools is helpful for the adjustment and transformation4 of the economic structure , and is particularly beneficial for attracting investment .

  5. 特别是我国加入WTO后,经济结构调整与转型成为资源型城市实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。

    At present , adjusting economic structure is an inevitable choice for resources-based cities .

  6. 韩国经济结构变化与CO2排放关系及启示

    The Relationship between Economic Structural Change and Carbon Dioxide Emission of Republic of Korea Experiences and Its Enlightenment

  7. IMF的援助方案与金融危机国家的经济结构调整

    The Aid Scheme of IMF and Economic Restructuring of the Financial Crisis Country

  8. 在我国,随着加入WTO和我国的经济结构转变,横向并购研究显得尤为重要。

    In our country , with the economic structure transformation and joining in WTO , studying of horizontal merger seems particularly important .

  9. CEPA与香港经济结构转型研究

    CEPA and Hong Kong 's Economic Restructuring

  10. 出口退税率变动影响出口商品需求量,带动GDP变动,转变贸易增长方式。实行差别退税率优化产业结构和地区经济结构调整。

    The fluctuation of the rate of the refunded tax on exports will influence the demands of exports , invite the change of GDP and transform the way of the increase of trade .

  11. 分析并指出了我国1980-2000年国内生产总值(GDP)增长率走高的主要原因是得益于扩大内需,调整经济结构,深化经济体制改革及加入WTO等;

    The primary reasons why China gross domestic product ( GDP ) has been growing in 1980-2003 were analyzed , including enhancing domestic demand , adjusting economic structure , deepening the reformation of economic system and WTO admittance .

  12. CGE模型有着清晰的微观经济结构和宏观与微观变量之间的连接关系,包含对因果关系和行为机制的描述,模型是可以解释的。

    CGE model makes the clear relationship between the structure of microcosmic and macrocosmic , and includes the description for the cause and effect relation and behavior mechanism .

  13. 区域经济结构与发展战略对策&理论与案例

    Regional Economic structure and Develop Strategic Countermeasures & Theory and case

  14. 山西经济结构的比较

    A Comparative Study of the Economic Structure of Shanxi Province COMPARE

  15. 神经网络的稳定性判据与区域经济结构调整

    Stability Criteria of Neural Networks and Adjustment For Regional Economic Structure

  16. 我国农村经济结构的现状分析

    Analysis of Current Situation of Economic Structure in Our Rural Area

  17. 从丹麦模式看经济结构调整中的工会

    Trade Unions in Economic Restructure Structure , Learned from Denmark Mode

  18. 区域资金配置;经济结构;平衡发展;

    Region fund disposition ; Economic structure ; Balanced development ;

  19. 用经济结构来解释经济现象;

    Economic phenomena are to be explained by economic structures ;

  20. 及时进行经济结构调整和技术创新;

    Should carry on the economic restructuring and technological innovation in time ;

  21. 烟台市工业经济结构调整战略研究

    Study on Adjusting Strategies of Industrial Economic Structure in Yantai

  22. 面向21世纪的日本经济结构调整&兼论对中国经济改革的启示

    The economic structure adjustment of Japan in meeting the coming 21st century

  23. 以民间投资促甘肃经济结构调整

    Promoting the Regulation of Economic Structure in Gansu by Using Civilian Investment

  24. 提升浙江经济结构竞争力

    On the Promotion of Zhejiang 's Competitiveness of Economic Structure

  25. 税收政策在经济结构调整中的作用分析

    Analysis of Function of Tax Policy in the Change of Economy Structure

  26. 洛阳市经济结构变迁的统计分析和研究

    Statistic Analysis on the Development Luoyang Economic Construction Economic Research

  27. 而且有利于我国金融体制改革和经济结构的调整,夯实我国的金融基础,完善金融体系。

    It will tamp the financial foundation and complete the financial system .

  28. 城市经济结构是城市的基础性结构。

    A city 's economic structure is its basic one .

  29. 进一步调整和优化林业经济结构,促进林业产业发展;

    Regulating the optimal forestry economic structure to promote the forest production development ;

  30. 经济结构调整加快了劳动关系的重建。

    Chinese adjustment of economic structure speeds up the reconstruction of labor relations .