
jīnɡ jì shī
  • economist
  1. 建筑估价师钱德勒先生和他的经济师妻子三年前提前退休。

    Mr chandler , a quantity surveyor , and his economist wife , took early retirement about three years ago .

  2. CoreLogic公司的高级经济师莫莉·贝泽尔表示。

    Molly Boesel is a senior economist at Core Logic .

  3. 如何实现房地产市场的软着陆,这确实将是一个严重的挑战,中信银行国际(CiticBankInternational)首席经济师廖群表示。

    How to achieve a soft landing of the property market will really be a serious challenge , said Liao Qun , chief economist at Citic Bank International .

  4. 蒂姆·康登是ING投资银行在新加坡办事处的总经济师和亚洲研究部负责人。

    Tim Condon is chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING .

  5. 美国农业部高级经济师弗雷德-盖尔(FredGale)表示:中国大米进口在很大程度上是一种政策驱动现象。

    Chinas rice imports are largely a policy-driven phenomenon , says Fred Gale , senior economist at USDA .

  6. 然而,首席经济师LarryHannah说,世行在市政融资中只是个相对较小的角色。

    But the Bank is a relatively small player in urban finance , says Lead Economist Larry Hannah .

  7. 世行高级经济师RobChase说,社区推动的发展(CDD)可以使社区团体控制计划决策和投资资源。

    Community Driven Development ( CDD ) gives community groups control over planning decisions and investment resources for development .

  8. PNC金融服务公司的首席经济师斯图尔特·霍夫曼说道。

    Stuart Hoffman is chief economist at PNC Financial .

  9. “我没有看到任何一个总统为房产市场负责”StevenBlitz说,一个纽约的ITG投资研究公司的高级经济师,联邦政府和国家防政策在地方水平上有一个限制性的影响。

    The federal government and national housing policies have a limited impact on a local level .

  10. PNC金融服务公司首席经济师霍夫曼说:

    PNC Financial Services chief economist Stuart Hoffman :

  11. 香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)经济师邱丽萍(PansyYau)说,香港回归后的最初几年,中国有关部门非常谨慎,没有触碰香港太多。

    For the first few years [ Chinese authorities ] were very cautious not to touch Hong Kong too much , said Pansy Yau , economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

  12. 彭博士曾在华盛顿担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)经济师,并拥有英国伯明翰大学的经济学博士学位。

    Wensheng started his career as an economist with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in Washington DC and holds a PhD in economics from the University of Birmingham , England .

  13. PNC金融公司的经济师加斯·福彻表示,数字正在向正确的方向前进。

    Gus Faucher is an economist at PNC Financial says the number is moving in the right direction .

  14. 中信嘉华银行(citickawah)中国业务首席经济师廖群表示,去年10月以来,不断上涨的食品和粮食价格,已经推高了通胀水平。

    Rising food and grain prices have propelled higher levels of inflation since last October , says Liao Qun , chief China economist for CITIC Ka Wah Bank .

  15. 瑞银集团(UBS)经济师乔纳森•安德森(JonathanAnderson)就呼吁停止使用这一数据。此外,中国正在经历适度的通胀,而非产能过剩可能导致的严重通缩。

    ( Stop using this number , urges Jonathan Anderson , economist at UBS . ) Moreover , China is witnessing modest inflation – not the rampant deflation that would result from overcapacity .

  16. 美国资深经济师SamA.Khater说道:“这种状况是房地产市场的黑夜幽灵”。

    " The overhang is a dark specter over the housing market ," says Sam A.Khater , senior economist at First American CoreLogic .

  17. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济师方艾硕(joachimfels)上周在本报撰文指出,世界正进入这样一个阶段我们再也不能将低通胀率视为理所当然。

    As Joachim Fels of Morgan Stanley argued on this page last week , the world is entering a phase in which we can no longer take low inflation for granted .

  18. 前世界银行首席经济师兼高级副行长林毅夫称,随着中国经济进入新常态,今年以及未来二十年GDP仍有潜力增长8%左右。

    With economic expansion having moderated to a " new normal " pace , potential GDP growth will still be about 8 percent this year and in the next 20 years , said Justin Yifu Lin , former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank .

  19. 世界银行资深养老金问题高级经济师RobertPalacios解释说,另一个不利于改革的因素是,养老金承诺根本不体现在财政账户中。

    An added disincentive is the fact that these pension promises don 't appear anywhere in fiscal accounts , explains Robert Palacios , a World Bank senior economist who specializes in pensions .

  20. “中国许多城市拥有建设大楼和硬件设施的政治意愿与行政能力,但建设软件设施花费的时间要长得多,”瑞信(creditsuisse)驻香港的亚洲区首席经济师陶冬表示。

    " Many cities in China have the political will and administrative ability to build buildings and hardware , but it will take them much longer to build the software , " said Dong Tao , regional chief economist for Credit Suisse , who is based in Hong Kong .

  21. Zillow首席经济师斯坦o汉弗莱斯告诉美国全国广播公司消费者新闻与财经频道(CNBC),他相信这正是市场上房屋库存量低的原因,而低库存在近几个月延缓了房地产市场的复苏。

    Zillow 's Chief Economist Stan Humphries told CNBC that he believes this is partly why the inventory of homes on the market is so low , a dynamic that has held back the real estate recovery in recent months .

  22. 李钟和是亚银代理首席经济师。

    Jong-Wha Lee is the ADB 's acting chief economist .

  23. 以上是第一信托公司的首席经济师布莱恩·韦斯伯利所说。

    That 's First Trust 's Chief Economist Brian Wesbury .

  24. 大宗商品交易价格将持续高波动&访高盛执行董事兼高级商品经济师詹姆斯·古特曼

    Staple Commodities ' Trading Prices will continue to Fluctuate

  25. 他在1994年加入滙丰集团,出任高级经济师。

    He joined HSBC as senior economist in1994 .

  26. 信托:房地产融资的新亮点&访北京国际信托投资有限公司总经济师时宝东

    Real Estate Investment Trust : The New Highlight

  27. 规划师与经济师之间有关土地市场政策的争论

    Planners and Economists Debate Land Market Policy

  28. 邱丽萍是香港贸易发展局的副首席经济师。

    Pansy Yau is the deputy chief economist of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

  29. 穆迪分析公司的首席经济师马克·赞迪将这归咎于不断升高的抵押贷款利率。

    Mark Zandi , chief economist at Moody 's Analytics , blames rising mortgage rates .

  30. 经济师指出,澳元坚挺也是出口下滑原因之一。

    Economists pointed out that the strong Australian dollar was another reason for the falling export .