
jīnɡ jì xué pài
  • school of economics
  1. 芝加哥经济学派(ChicagoSchoolofEconomics)对市场竞争功效的分析不断受到媒体和学术界的攻击。

    The ' Chicago School of Economics ' came under sustained attacks from the media and the academy for its analysis of the efficacy of competitive markets .

  2. 奥地利经济学派的历史渊源与当代反思

    The Historical Origin of the Austrian School of Economics and Relevant Contemporary Reflection

  3. 阿当斯密被视为传统经济学派的创始人之一。

    Adam Smith is considered one of the founders of classical economics .

  4. 以米尔顿·弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)为代表的芝加哥经济学派,是新古典思想中的翘楚,他们强调市场的效率和政府干预的风险。

    The Chicago School , under the intellectual imprint of Milton Friedman , was a leader in neoclassical thought that emphasizes the efficiency of markets and the risks of government intervention .

  5. 第二章为西方经济学派的贫困理论。主要研究西方两大派系,即自由派和激进派经济学家们的贫困理论,对其进行认真的剖析,并对他们的反贫困战略效果进行分析。

    Chapter 2 concentrates on western economic theories on poverty .

  6. 旧制度经济学派的兼顾公平规则维护财产所有权的排他性,二者的产权特征不完全一样。

    Their characteristics of property right are not the same .

  7. 不同的经济学派找出的源泉也就不同。

    Different economic schools of thought find different causes .

  8. 论中国制度经济学派的兴起

    On the Establishment of System Economics in China

  9. 新制度经济学派形成时期。

    The period of new institutional economic school .

  10. 人口经济学是从古典经济学派的人口经济理论发展而来的。

    Economics of population is form classical economic school 's theory of population and economy .

  11. 新制度经济学派的国家与政府理论就是这一整合的突出成果。

    In this process , the government theory is one of the most outstanding achievements .

  12. 你对此事的观点可能取决于人一个经济学派。

    What you think about this probably depends on which school of economics you belong to .

  13. 70年代,新古典宏观经济学派提出并论证货币政策无效命题。

    In the 1970s , neo-classic school put forward and demonstrated the monetary policy ineffectiveness proposition .

  14. 奥地利经济学派作为一支重要的反对学派,正是可以提供借鉴的学派。

    Austrian school of economics , as an important opposition , is one that can provide for reference .

  15. 古典经济学派人口论

    Classical economic population theory

  16. 康德的人类认识过程中的先验因素以及奥地利经济学派的理论是哈耶克有限理性的萌芽。

    Kant human process of cognition a priori factors and theories of the Austrian school of economics Hayek Limitation bud .

  17. 两种价值判断与改革目标选择&论新马克思经济学综合创新学派和新自由主义经济学派

    Values and Goals of Reform & A Review on Two Schools of Marxism Economics On the Principles of New Marxist Economy

  18. 在这些流行一时的经济学派的争论和演进中,反垄断的司法实践和执法活动也在不断进化和更新。

    When these popular schools debate and evaluate , the judicial practice of antitrust and enforcement activities are constantly evolving and updated .

  19. 新制度经济学派的重要贡献在于强调制度变迁对经济发展的重要性。

    The important contribution of the school of new institutional economics is to emphasize the importance of institutional change on economic development .

  20. 福利经济学派坚持帕累托规则意义上的公平和效率,它强调维护所有权的完整性和排他性。

    The school of welfare economics insists the fairness and efficiency of Pareto principle , emphasizing the integrity and exclusiveness of proprietary rights .

  21. 流行经济学派要我们相信,政治和政治力量是不能放在政治经济学里来考虑的。

    The popular school of economists would have us believe that politics and political power cannot be taken into consideration in political economy .

  22. 各经济学派理论观点差异的根源在于对人性假设的层次、角度与对象不同。

    The roots of the difference between these schools lie in the different levels , angles and objectives for the hypotheses of human nature .

  23. 自芝加哥法经济学派拉开法律经济分析的序幕,经济学在很多法律领域埋下种子,发芽、开花、硕果累累。

    Thanks to the Chicago School of Economics of Law , economic theories , approaches and tools have been applied into numerous legal areas .

  24. 第二章介绍了养老金制度概念和特点,并介绍了两大养老金经济学派关于养老金制改革的理论。

    The second chapter introduces the concept of endowment insurance system , and various schools ' opinions toward the reforming of endowment insurance system .

  25. 新制度经济学派出现于20世纪50~60年代的美国,是由早期制度学派演变而来的。

    New institutional economic school apears in U.S.A. of 50 ~ 60 times of the 20th century . They developed by the early institutional economic school .

  26. 新闻制度变迁是一个头绪多、涉及面广的问题,本文试图借鉴新制度经济学派的理论成果,对建国以来中国大陆新闻制度变迁的脉络以及为什么如此变迁问题进行较为系统的探讨。

    Since 1949 , China 's news media system has experienced extensive institutional changes and has become a complicated to many scholars of the mass media .

  27. 新制度经济学派的经济学家从制度的本身去理解制度,犹如手持长矛的堂吉诃德,乱冲乱撞。

    The economists of new institution economics try to understand institution from institution itself , which is just like what Don Quixote did with his spear .

  28. 从制度学派的演变到新制度经济学派的形成,大体经历了三个发展时期:旧制度学派时期;

    From the early institutional economic schools t institutional economic school , have experienced three developing periods on the whole : the period of early institutional economic school ;

  29. 企业成长因素的研究从古典经济学派的规模分工理论至今,视角、结论繁多而未统一。

    There are many perspectives and conclusions about enterprise growth factors since Adam Smith 's theory of labor division , but they haven 't reached a consensus yet .

  30. 经济学如果想更加健康的发展下去,就不得不完善已有的知识框架,不再一味的抵触非主流经济学派,吸取其他流派经济学的精华。

    To process in a better and more healthy development , the economics has to improve its knowledge framework and absorbs the essence of other schools of economics .