
  • 网络terminal speed;terminal velocity
  1. 随着人们对终端数据速率要求的不断增高,继第三代移动通信系统之后国际上新一代的移动通信标准LTE(LongTermEvolution)应运而生。

    With the growing demand of data rate , LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) comes after the third generation mobile communication system .

  2. 基于终端发送速率与丢帧率的IEEE802.11性能优化

    Performance optimization for IEEE 802.11 based on transmit rate and FER of the stations

  3. 论文还提出了一种基于终端发送速率与丢帧率的IEEE802.11动态性能优化机制。

    In addition , this thesis proposes a priority mechanism to improve the whole system performance of IEEE 802.11 , which based on multirate and FER together .

  4. 伴随因特网的快速普及与迅猛发展,核心网正在迅速向吉比特以太网演进,同时,用户侧终端的速率也日新月异。

    With the rapid development and popularity of Internet , core network is rapidly evolving to Gigabit Ethernet , while the rate of end-user is also developing with each passing day .