
  • 网络cell differentiation
  1. 研究表明:微RNA对于后生生物(多细胞动物)的细胞的分化和形体发育形成等许多方面起着重要的作用。

    In metazoans , miRNA plays an important role in cell differentiation and body patterning .

  2. 在胚分化早期RNA的迅速合成与细胞的分化及器官形成有关。

    Active synthesis of RNA at the early stage of embryonic differentiation was related to cell differentiation and organogenesis .

  3. 我们曾经报道了表达于人活化B细胞的分化抗原5C5。

    In1991 , we reported a differentiation antigen5C5 expressed on human activated B lymphocyte surface .

  4. Toll样受体及与树突状细胞的分化和信号转导的研究进展

    Study on Toll Like Receptors Differentiation of Dendritic Cell and Signal Transduction

  5. 睾酮定向诱导MSC分化的实验研究胸腺细胞的分化

    Experimental Study on the Oriented Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Testosterone

  6. PTEN的活动度在发育的早期低,从而允许细胞的分化增殖。

    PTEN activity is low early during development , allowing cell proliferation .

  7. 结论:视黄酸通过视黄酸受体介导促进体外培养的淋巴结B细胞的分化发育。

    Conclusion : Retinoic acid promoted the differentiation and development of B cells , from lymph node when cultured in vitro . The effect was mediated by retinoic acid receptors .

  8. 结果提示:胃癌细胞的分化程度愈低,其SOMmRNA表达愈强。

    The results showed negative correlation between the expression of SOM mRNA and the degree of gastric carcinoma differentiation .

  9. 正常骨髓细胞的分化与SCE值

    The Differentiation of Bone Marrow Cells and Their SCE Values

  10. 白介素6(Interleukin-6,IL-6)是参与破骨细胞的分化及功能的一种多效细胞因子。

    Interleukin-6 ( IL-6 ) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is involved in osteoclast differentiation and function .

  11. CNTF和LIF等在神经干细胞的分化中也有重要作用。

    CNTF and LIF are critical for differentiation of neural stem cells .

  12. NBT还原实验法分析细胞的分化指标。

    NBT reduction analysis of the experimental cell differentiation indicators .

  13. 胎肺发育晚期Survivin和Caspase-3及p53协同作用,调控着Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型肺泡细胞的分化和成熟。

    Survivin cooperated with Caspase-3 , p53 in regulating differentiation and maturation of type II cells during the late development of fetal lung .

  14. 这种作用体现在局部的旁分泌和自分泌,通过影响卵泡细胞的分化、芳香化酶的活性和cAMP水平等实现对卵泡机能的调节。

    This is realized by part of paracrine and autocrine controlling follicular function through the differentiation of follicular cells , activity of aromatizing enzyme and level of cAMP .

  15. 结论:葛根提取物能有效诱导Bel-7402人肝癌细胞的分化。

    Conclusion : Root kudzuvine extract can efficiently induce differentiation of Bel-7402 human malignant hepatoma cells .

  16. BAY11-7082可抑制PGE2对成骨细胞的分化作用,共同作用于成骨细胞可引起细胞凋亡。

    BAY 11-7082 can inhibit the osteoblast differentiation induced by PGE2 and induce the cell apoptosis with the role of PGE2 .

  17. 毛子草化学成分及其促PC-12细胞的分化作用研究Ⅰ

    Study on chemical constituents from Incarvillea arguta and their accelerating PC-12 cell differentiation

  18. 背景与目的:转录激活蛋白AP-1与细胞的分化、增生、调亡以及肿瘤转化密切相关。

    Purpose : AP-1 ( activator protein-1 ) is closely associated with cell differentiation , proliferation , apoptosis and tumorigenesis .

  19. 本文以辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)与福氏完全佐剂混合成的乳液对雄性豚鼠作一次免疫,追踪腘淋巴结中抗体形成细胞的分化途径和变化。

    The development of antibody & producing immunocytes was examined in the popliteal lymph nodes of the guinea pig during their primary response to horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) .

  20. 当锌浓度超过10-4mol/L,达到10-3mol/L时,可抑制成骨细胞的分化,使ALP活性下降,蛋白质合成减少。

    Zinc above 10 - 4 could inhibit osteoblast differentiation and reduce ALP activity and protein synthesis .

  21. 目的:研究神经节苷脂GM1是否介导NGF诱导的PC-12细胞的分化,及介导分化的可能机制。

    Objective : To determine if ganglioside GM1 conducts the differentiation of PC-12 cells induced by NGF and if so , the way it does .

  22. 在研究Wnt-1对人表皮干细胞的分化与增殖的影响时,我们借助了重组腺病毒基因导入技术将Wnt-1导入到人表皮干细胞内。

    And then , using recombinant adenovirus gene introduction technology , we expressed Wnt-1 in epidermal stem cells .

  23. Thl、Th2细胞的分化方向及分泌功能已逐步被人了解,但其刺激分化的分子机制尚未完全清楚。

    Th1 、 Th2cells ' differentiation and secretory function has gradually been understood but stimulating the differentiation of the molecular mechanisms are not yet fully clear .

  24. 以往的研究表明GPI-80的表达可能与髓系细胞的分化相关。

    Our previous studies suggested that GPI-80 expression might be associated with myeloid differentiation .

  25. 胃癌组织中骨桥蛋白mRNA的相对表达量与胃癌细胞的分化程度无明显关系,但与肿瘤浸润深度、周围血管浸润、邻近淋巴结转移和远处转移显著相关(P<0.05)。

    There were significant correlations between the relative expression amount of osteopontin mRNA in cancerous tissues and the degree of infiltration , vascular invasion , adjacent lymph node metastasis and distant metastasis of gastric cancer ( P < 0.05 ), but not the differentiation of cancer cells .

  26. 凝集素受体表达差异可做为Brenner瘤细胞的分化标志,体现该瘤上皮成分分化、失分化、部分分化和多向分化的复杂状况。

    The alterations of lectin receptors might serve as markers to show the complexity of differentiations , de - , part-and multi-differentiations in Brenner tumor cells .

  27. 之前报道肌肉生长抑制素(MSTN)可以影响脂肪细胞的分化,所以我们针对MSTN对肌内DFAT细胞的影响做了进一步研究。

    Previous study found that Myostatin ( MSTN ) can influence adipocyte differentiation , so we do more research about MSTN on intramuscular DFAT cells .

  28. 虽然NOD背景的免疫缺陷小鼠已经被广泛的应用于研究人造血干细胞的分化,利用这些模型成功的研究人红细胞生成和红细胞功能还没有报道。

    Although immunodeficient mice on the NOD background have been widely used to study human hematopoietic stem cell function in vivo , the successful use of these mice in the study of human erythropoiesis and RBC function has not been reported .

  29. 水平的下调,对M-CSFR的表达是至关重要的,而M-CSFR对破骨细胞的分化和功能又是极其重要的。

    Down-regulation of NFI-A levels is important for expression of the M-CSFR , which is critical for osteoclast differentiation and function .

  30. 结果提示Gg(GM3)的生物合成和ST1的活性变化与HL-60细胞的分化增殖有关。

    The findings suggest that the changes in biosynthesis of ganglioside ( GM 3 ) and activity of ST 1 may be associated , at least , with HL-60 leukemia cell differentiation and proliferation .