
xì shāi
  • Fine sieve;search;undersize sieve
细筛[xì shāi]
  1. GPS型双层高频振动细筛的研制及应用

    Development and application of gps & double deck high frequency vibration fine screens

  2. 德瑞克DERRICK高频细筛作为一种高效率的细粒分级设备,其在国外铁矿山早已普遍应用。

    As a high-efficiency classifying equipment for fine particles , Derrick high frequency fine screen has been widely used in domestic and foreign iron mines for a long time .

  3. 介绍了美国德瑞克DERRICK重叠式高频细筛在莱芜铁矿选矿厂第一阶段扩能改造中的应用和效果。

    The application and its results of US Derrick overlapping high frequency fine screen in phase 1 capacity expansion and transformation of Laiwu Iron Mine 's concentrator are described .

  4. GPS-900-3型高频细筛工业考核试验

    Industrial test of GPS - 900-3 high frequency fine - mesh screen

  5. GPS-900-3型高频振动细筛在密云铁矿的应用

    Applications of gps-900-3 high frequency fine vibro-screen in Miyun iron mine , Capital Iron and Steel Company

  6. 鲁南矿业公司在2003年4系列扩建项目中,为寻求高效率的细粒分级设备,考察了Derrick高频细筛,经过半年多的不断探索与调整,现已应用于现场生产中,取得了理想的筛分效果。

    Line in 2003 , Lunan Mining Co. made investigation on Derrick high frequency fine screen . Through over a half year 's exploration and regulation , the equipment has now been used in the production and achieved ideal screening effect .

  7. 本文介绍GPS-900-3型高频振动细筛在首钢密云铁矿选厂的试验结果和应用情况。

    This paper describes the tests and applications of GPS-900-3 high frequency Fine vibro-screen in Miyun Iron Mine , the Capital Iron and Steel Company .

  8. 针对矿山向深部开采后矿石性质的变化,提出了优化流程的方案,并分析了采用GD型脉动磁选机和KGS型高频振动细筛对流程进行优化的效果。

    In view of the change in ore properties with the mining towards depth , a program for optimizing the flowsheet was set forward and the results of the optimization by applying GD pulsating magnetic separators and KGS high frequency vibrating fine screens were analysed .

  9. 细筛再磨工艺改造的试验研究与生产实践

    Test Research of Transformation of Fine Screening-regrinding Technology and Production Practice

  10. 高频振动细筛在密地选矿厂的工业试验

    Industrial Test of High Frequency Vibrating Fine Screen in Midi Concentrator

  11. GPS-1400-3型高频振动细筛在二段分级中的应用

    Application of GPS-1400-3 High Frequency Vibrating Fine Screens in the Secondary Classification

  12. 直线振动细筛是一种分级效率较高的分级设备。

    Linear vibratory fine screen is a sizing device with higher sizing efficiency .

  13. 可用于铀水冶厂的振动斜面细筛

    Inclined vibrating fine - meshed screen for uranium mill

  14. 高频细筛筛下产率数学模型的研究

    Study on the Mathematical Model for Undersize Weight Percent of High-Frequency Fine Screen

  15. GPS-1400-3型高频细筛的工业试验及应用

    Commercial Tests and Application of GPS-1400-3 High-frequency Fine Screen

  16. 德瑞克高频细筛在降硅提铁中的应用

    Application of Derrick High Frequency Fine Screen in Iron Increase and Silicon Reduction

  17. 应用旋流细筛改进塔拉营子洗煤厂粗煤泥回收工艺

    Recovery technology of slime improved with cyclone fine screen

  18. 用细筛过滤牛奶上的奶皮。

    Sift the milk to remove the milk skin .

  19. 磁选柱代替细筛获得高品位磁铁矿精矿的实验研究

    Researches on Magnetic Concentrating Instead of Fine Screen to Gain High Grade Magnetite Concentrate

  20. 德瑞克高频振动细筛在矿物分级和脱水中的应用

    The Application Practice of Derrick High Frequency Vibrating Fine Screens in Mineral Classification and Dewatering

  21. 针对我国现有分级设备现状和存在的不足,对严格按粒度分级用振动细筛机进行了研究。

    The study of vibrating fine sieve using for strict particle classification was carried out aimed at the nowadays classifier .

  22. 本文研究了高频细筛的工作原理及其基本结构,并论述了产生高频的激振源&行星式激振器。

    The working principle and structure of high frequency static screen with a planetary exciter as vibrating source is studied .

  23. 曾是用来制作弹丸的地方;熔化之铅经由顶部细筛落入水中以制铅丸。

    A tower once used to make shot ; molten lead was poured through a sieve and dropped into water .

  24. 以粗纱布或细筛过筛,便可将花粉同雄花序的其它部分分开。

    The pollen can then be separated from the rest of the catkin by sieving through cheesecloth or fine screen .

  25. 旋流细筛的研究与应用,使细端分级技术得到了新的进展。

    Further development in fine screen classification technology is made by study and using of the Cyclo - Fine Screen ( CFS ) .

  26. 采用高频振动细筛作钛粗精矿的分级设备,改性塔尔油作细粒级的浮选捕收剂,使该精选新工艺得以实施。

    High frequency vibrating fine screen was used for the classification and improved tall oil as the flotation collector in the new cleaning technological flowsheet .

  27. 简要总结了应用德瑞克叠式高频细筛的试验结果。

    The test results of applying Derrick Stack high frequency sizer are briefly summarized and the change being achieved and the expected benefits are discussed .

  28. 从其筛分原理、现场使用效果及经济适用等方面来看,该细筛适合石人沟铁矿目前的生产工艺。

    From aspects of screening theory , field application effect and economics , this fine screen suit for the current production process of Shirengou iron ore.

  29. 德瑞克细筛的高效、精确分级,提高了三段磨矿的磨矿分级效率,提高了321系统处理原矿的能力。

    The highly efficient and accurate classification has improved the grinding-classification efficiency of the tertiary grinding , thus raising the run-of-mine ore throughput of System 321 .

  30. 小型试验结果表明,尾矿经细筛分级、重选和浮选后,得到了含硫35.7%,总回收率为63.5%的硫精矿产品。

    Bench test indicates that , after fine screening classification , gravity separation and flotation , sulfur concentrate with a sulfur grade of 35.7 % and a recovery of 63.5 % can be obtained .