
xiàn kòng zhì
  • Line control;line traffic control
线控制[xiàn kòng zhì]
  1. 基于PLC和组态技术的涂装生产线控制

    Control of Painting Production Line Based on PLC and Configuration Technology

  2. PLC网络在攀钢轨梁厂重轨精整线控制系统中的应用

    The application of PLC network in heavy plate subtly making control system

  3. 基于PLC的阴极铜自动包装生产线控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Copper Auto-Packaging Production Line Control System Based on PLC

  4. 基于PLC的物流传输自动线控制系统的研究与开发

    Research and development on control system of materiel flowing automatic line based on PLC

  5. PLC和触摸屏技术在真空玻璃生产线控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC and Touch Screen Technology to Control System of Vacuum Glass Production Line

  6. PLC和TP在汽车密封条生产线控制中的应用

    The Application of PLC and Touch Panel in Control of a Production Line for Sealing Strips of Cars

  7. 仿真结果表明,控制策略及其算法以及ACE机组分配策略能满足联络线控制要求。

    The simulation result shows that control strategy and unit distribution strategy are valid to control ACE of exchanged Power in Tie - lines .

  8. CAC-CIMS生产线控制的研究和开发

    Research and development for production line control of CAC CIMS

  9. 以宝钢高线盘卷输送线控制系统为例,介绍了应用WINCC组态软件进行在线监控及故障诊断系统开发的情况。

    This paper introduces an example of application research of monitor and diagnosis system based on WINCC configuration software .

  10. 本文在分析短纤维牵伸线控制特点和PROFIBUS总线技术优越性基础上详细介绍了基于PROFlBUS总线技术构成的牵伸控制系统,实现了对牵伸设备同步传动控制和现场各种参数的检测、控制;

    In the article , I introduce the control system based on the PROFIBUS by analyzing the characteristic of the Fibre Drawing and the advantage of the PROFIBUS to accomplish running and control of the Fibre Drawing .

  11. 西门子S7-300PLC在胎面联动线控制系统中的应用

    The application of S7-300 PLC to the controlling system of the tire tread production line

  12. 它可用一根信号线控制计算DCT/IDCT,其输入、输出为14位、内部数据线及内部参数均为16位。

    It has been designed to compute either the DCT or the IDCT depending on a single line control signal . All of the input / output are 14-bit , and the internal data bus and internal parameters are 16-bit .

  13. 重点分析了多台EPT并联运行时的几种均流控制策略:主从控制、集中式电流/功率偏差控制、分散逻辑控制和基于调差原理的无联络线控制。

    On the basis of analysis on the types of parallel system configuration and their new features , several kinds of control schemes are proposed , such as master and slave control , power deviation control , distributed logic control and wireless control based on output droop characteristics .

  14. 介绍了200kV电子束辐照加速器涂层固化生产线控制系统的设计思想,包括接口模块的分配,鼠标操作的实现方法,在英文方式下的中文显示。

    A description on a control system on production line of 200 kV self shielded electron accelerator coating solidification , including interface module assignment , the methods of mouse operation , chinese display in english DOS is presented in this paper .

  15. 沾塑生产线控制系统的设计

    Design of Control System on a Soaking Liquid Plastic Productive Line

  16. 型材辊压生产线控制系统的故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis of the control system in the profile rolling production line

  17. 桶装焊丝生产线控制系统的研究

    Control System of the Pail Packing Line of Flux Wire

  18. 高速线材轧机轧线控制功能分析

    Analyze the controlling function of high speed wire roll mill

  19. 提高国产化纤短纤维生产线控制系统水平探讨

    Discussion on improving the control system for Chinese chemical staple fiber line

  20. 机动车安全性能检测线控制系统的开发

    Design of Control System for Vehicle Safety Performance Testing Line

  21. 推杆式气体渗碳生产线控制系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Control System on Pusher Gas Carbon Production Line

  22. 区域控制误差在扰动负荷及联络线控制中的策略研究

    The Strategy Research of Area Control Errors Under Disturbed Load and Tie-lines Control

  23. 城市交通信号灯模糊线控制及其仿真

    Fuzzy Line Control and Simulation for Urban Traffic Lights

  24. 基于鲁棒参数控制方法的可变控制线控制图

    Adaptive control chart with variable control lines based on robust parameter control methodology

  25. 新型铝箔纵切生产线控制系统

    New control system for aluminium foil slitter line

  26. 一种新型的汽车检测线控制系统体系结构

    Architecture of a New Vehicle Inspection Controlling System

  27. 智能绕线控制系统的设计

    The Design of the Intelligent Wire Winding System

  28. 管式连续蒸煮制浆生产线控制系统的开发

    A Control System for Making Pulp Production Line of Continuous Cooking in Pipe Style

  29. 某型汽车密封条自动化生产线控制系统设计

    Control System Design of a Production Line for Sealing Strips of a Certain Type of Car

  30. 变频器在高速凹版彩印机生产线控制系统中的应用

    Application of frequency converter in control system for production line of concave format color - printing machine