
  • 网络linear wave
  1. 本文以简化为悬臀柱体的近海结构为例,用Airy线性波理论和Morison方程分析了它的动力响应。

    The dynamic response of the offshore structures , which is modeled to bea cantilever beam as a specific example , is presented by using Airy linear wave theory and Morison equation .

  2. 本文基于Morison公式和线性波理论,根据试验室里规则波和强制波作用下小直径圆形桩柱上总波浪力的试验资料分析,讨论了规则波3

    Based on Morison Equation and the linear wave theory , this paper analyses the model test data about the total forces of a vertical circular cylinder under the regular or forced wave action , discusses the hydraulic dynamic coefficients in the range 3

  3. 采用物理分步法对线性波中二维射流进行了大涡模拟(LES)。

    Two-dimensional jets in linear waves were simulated by large eddy with the help of physical ( fractional-step ) method .

  4. 首先引入Mellor以线性波理论推导的垂向三维辐射应力公式,讨论了辐射应力在不同水深情况下的垂向变化规律,结果表明辐射应力主要集中在自由面附近。

    Expressions for depth-dependent radiation stresses derived on the basis of linear wave theory by Mellor are introduced . The radiation stresses at different water depths are discussed , and the result demonstrates that the wave radiation streeses concentrated near the free surface .

  5. 从工程应用出发,构造了一类固定在船底的运动小直径圆柱模型,利用线性波理论和修正的Morison公式对圆柱在水中的受力、扰曲进行了理论分析,并对结果进行仿真。

    Considering the application in ocean engineering , in this paper we create a new model of a small moving cylinder fixed under the bottom of the ship to analyze the force on and deformation of the cylinder moving in the sea using linear wave theoretics and amendatory Morison equation .

  6. 用线性波传播模型再现视非线性地震响应

    Replication of apparent nonlinear seismic response with linear wave propagation models

  7. 渐近线性波方程强迫振动的一个注记

    A Note of Forced Vibrations for an Asymptotically Linear Wave Equation

  8. 线性波中二维射流的大涡模拟

    Large-eddy simulation of the interaction between jets and linear waves

  9. 带强耗散项的拟线性波方程的数值解

    On the Numerical Solution of Quasilinear Wave Equation With Strong Dissipative Term

  10. 一类没有单调性假设的渐近线性波方程的多解

    Multiple Solutions for a Class of Asymptotic Linear Wave Equation without Monotonicity Hypothesis

  11. 简易平面波及线性波发生器的实验方法

    The Experimentation of Simple Plane or Line Wave Generators

  12. 运用数值模拟的方法对线性波作用下的层流边界层和紊流边界层进行了研究。

    Study on bottom shear stress of laminar boundary layer under the action of random waves ;

  13. 考虑自由面线性波的流-固耦合动力分析的两个变分公式

    Two variational formulations for dynamic analysis of coupled fluid-solid interaction problems with linearized free surface wave considered

  14. 本文以较一般的方式讨论了自引力介质中线性波的传播和演化。

    Propagation and evolution of linear waves in the self-gravitational medium are discussed in a comparatively general way .

  15. 从理论上分析了线性波在有底坡的淤泥质床面上传播时波要素的变化规律。

    The change rules of wave parameters are examined theoretically when linear waves propagating over the silted sloping floor .

  16. 在引力场中慢自转、带磁场、可压缩、全导电气体中的线性波

    The local linear waves of a slowly rotating , compressible , perfectly conducting gas immersed in a uniform magnetic field under gravity

  17. 本文计算结果与线性波理论的结果很一致,但后者不能给出波运动的过程。

    The results given by the present method are in good agreement with results from the linear wave theory which can not give the history of wave motion .

  18. 根据线性波理论,提出了一种计算有限水深情况下入射波激励力的方法。

    According to the linear wave theory , the paper suggests a method that is used to evaluate the exciting force of the incident wave in finite water depth .

  19. 本文应用线性波理论,通过波浪迭加法,探讨了海洋平台油气生产立管系统的动力性质。

    In light of linear wave theory , the article explores the dynamic properties of the oil and gas production vertical pipe system on off-shore platform by means of wave repetition .

  20. 本文分析了在慢自转的旋转坐标系中有引力、带磁场、可压缩、全导电气体内线性波的传播。

    We analysed the dispersion relation of local linear waves of a compressible , perfectly conducting gas immersed in a uniform magnetic field under gravity in a slowly rotating frame of reference .

  21. 本文基于线性波理论,首次证明在工程常用条件下,单位长度上开孔沉箱结构所受的总水平波峰波浪力与波浪入射角不相关;

    Based on linear wave theory , the paper illustrates that in the range of engineering practice , the wave force on unit length of perforated caissons has less impacts with incident angles .

  22. 本文给出了线性波场波要素的谱表示和运动物体生成内波的非线性谱方程可解性的讨论。

    At the same time , the spectrum expressions of the wave properties for the linear wave field are given and the solvability of the spectrum equations of the internal waves excited by the body-sources is also discussed .

  23. 对于流速随深度按1/7律变化的湍动水流中的线性波,本文采用Heisenbcrg的方法,把解展成关于无量纲波数的渐近级数。

    For linear waves in a turbulent flowing water with the velocity distribution of 1 / 7 & power approximation , Heisenberg 's method is used and the solution is expanded as an asymptotic series in dimensionless wave number μ in this paper .

  24. 本文通过理论计算及实验验证发现,在计算缓坡上波浪的变形、特别是确定波浪破碎点时,流函数波浪理论明显优越于线性波液理论。

    Through the theoretical calculation and experimental test as indicated in this paper , it is found that in the calculation of wave transformation , especially , the location of wave breaking point on mild-slope , the stream function wave theory is obviously superior to the linear wave theory .

  25. E矢量及斜压线性静止波模式的诊断进一步表明,异常期间的增强瞬变活动有利于乌拉尔出现正高度异常。

    The diagnosis of E-vector and the response of baroclinic stationary wave to transient forcing both suggest further that the enhanced transient eddy activity favors the occurrence and maintenance of positive anomalies .

  26. Voigt粘弹性流体上的线性重力波

    Linear gravity waves no a Voigt viscoelastic fluid

  27. 在Fe-Ni多晶薄膜和YIG单晶薄膜上观测到线性自旋波共振谱。

    The linear spin-wave spectra in Fe-Ni polycrystalline films and YIG single crystal films have been observed .

  28. 研究了半无限不可压缩Voigt粘弹性体上线性重力波的色散关系,并推论了水波在淤泥底床上传播时的一些特性。

    The dispersion relation of linear gravity waves on a semi-infinite incompressible Voigt viscoelastic fluid is studied .

  29. 本文很好的完成了线性规则波、Stokes波、孤立波以及不规则波的模拟,能够产生历时很长的稳定的波场。

    The numerical wave flume developed in this study is capable to generate linear regular wave , stokes wave , solitary wave and irregular waves , and obtain very long stable wave field .

  30. 线性扩散波方程解析解及其在水位预报中的应用

    An Analytical Diffusion Model and Its Application to Water Level Forecast