
  • 网络nypd;New York City Police Department;New York Police Department
  1. 当时我是纽约市警察局(NYPD)的一名侦探,对说唱乐界了解颇深。

    I was a detective in the NYPD at the time , and I knew a lot about hip-hop .

  2. 纽约市警察局副首席发言人金姆·罗伊斯特说,此事件正在进行内部调查。

    The incident is under internal review , said NYPD spokeswoman Deputy Chief Kim Royster .

  3. 纽约市警察局的纳尔多萨警探

    Detective Nardosa of the New York City Police Department .

  4. 纽约市警察局的一名官员遭到严厉谴责。

    Officers with the New York City Police Department are under fire .

  5. 纽约市警察局

    NYPD : New York Police Department

  6. 纽约市警察局的一个特殊部门由于监视穆斯林的行为受到争议,因而导致解散。

    A special unit in the NYPD that sparked controversy for spying on Muslims has been disbanded .

  7. 数百人被纽约市警察局拦截盘查,其中大部分为年轻的拉丁裔黑人男性。

    Hundreds of mostly young black latino men have been stopped , questioned and frisked by the NYPD .

  8. 纽约市警察局的警察被目击到可能又一次使用极端暴力。

    A member of the New York City Police Department has again been caught possibly using excessive force .

  9. 目前,纽约市警察局拥有一支不是8人就是10人的庞大说唱乐部门,有时我们会在一起聚餐聊天。

    The NYPD now has a big hip-hop unit with eight or 10 people , and we sometimes have dinner and talk .

  10. 据纽约市警察局的资料,单是今年一年,纽约市就已经传唤了18500名随地小便者。

    This year alone , the city has handed out more than 18500 summonses for public urination , according to the NYPD .

  11. 琼斯没有已知的药物滥用史,纽约市警察局副巡查员金姆•罗伊斯特说。

    Jones did not have a known history of medical problems , said Kim Royster , a deputy inspector with New York City police .

  12. 已经退休的纽约市警察局情报处副处长约翰卡特尔撕掉假的社会安全卡扔向空中,说:你得到了合法的身份证明之后,就不需要它了。

    You get that legitimate ID , and this one goes away , said John Cutter , retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division , as he tossed the fake Social Security card in the air .

  13. 今天,纽约市市长和警察局局长发表了调查的新进展。

    New York 's mayor and police commissioner revealed new details from the investigation today .

  14. 美国电子期刊:可否请你介绍一下纽约市警察署内勤局?

    EJournal USA : Can you tell us about the Internal Affairs Bureau of the New York City Police Department ?

  15. 在今年早些时候的审判中,纽约法官称纽约市警察局是基于合理怀疑实施的拦截政策。

    At a trial earlier this year , city lawyers argued that the NYPD make stops based on reasonable suspicion .

  16. 前纽约市市长鲁道夫·朱利安尼(RudolphGiuliani)曾要求纽约市警察局(NYPD)严厉打击影响“生活质量”的不雅行为,其中也包括随地小便。

    Under former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani , the New York City Police Department began a major crackdown on ' quality of life ' offenses -- including passing water in public .

  17. 纽约市议会进行了投票以压倒纽约市长.迈克尔·布隆伯格的投票,并对纽约市警察局施加了额外的监督。

    The New York City Council voted to override vetoes from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and impose additional oversight on the New York Police Department .